tilersforums.com recommends Tradetiler Home page for Tiling Tools.
TradeTiler.com is the oldest online store dedicated to the supply of tiling tools, and primarily deals with the trade. The range of tools is carefully selected to ensure that they're suitable for the professionals. The tile cutters are the brands all professionals use, including Rubi and Sigma tile cutters.
For more informations see TradeTiler.com: Tradetiler Home page
Please reply with any feedback related to tradetiler.com. I know we have many wall and floor tilers on this forum who use tradetiler.com and have done for years. So this should be a nice new thread that eventually becomes really handy for potential future customers to read about the great servie tradetiler.com provides.
TradeTiler.com is the oldest online store dedicated to the supply of tiling tools, and primarily deals with the trade. The range of tools is carefully selected to ensure that they're suitable for the professionals. The tile cutters are the brands all professionals use, including Rubi and Sigma tile cutters.
For more informations see TradeTiler.com: Tradetiler Home page
Please reply with any feedback related to tradetiler.com. I know we have many wall and floor tilers on this forum who use tradetiler.com and have done for years. So this should be a nice new thread that eventually becomes really handy for potential future customers to read about the great servie tradetiler.com provides.