Plumbing Advice

Plumbing Advice

Intermittent bad smell Discussion Thread

Intermittent bad smell Discussion Thread


I have an intermittent bad smell that's really hard to pin down, I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on it.

I can go months without smelling that sulphur smell and then one day it kicks in. Sometimes its really faint, others its strong and lingers. I never know when it will stop, sometimes days, others weeks at a time. It seems to only be linked to hot water usage upstairs (1 bathroom with a shower and sink tap too). And its...

Grundfos MQ3-45 - Weird Noise Discussion Thread

Grundfos MQ3-45 - Weird Noise Discussion Thread

I have a Grundfos MQ3-45 feeding my domestic water from a ground level tank (filled from an RO system from the well). The pump is about 4 years old, with normal-heavy household use. Today it started making a bit of an awful noise - see the attached video. I disassembled the hydraulic end of it to see if there was anything odd there, but it was all normal.

Any ideas? I would like to avoid spending $1500 on a new pump, since I think these...

Smelly Odour Randomly Started Discussion Thread

Smelly Odour Randomly Started Discussion Thread

I have had a mystery smell start in my house all of a sudden.
The smell is prominent in an adjoining linen closet to my bathroom and appears to e coming from subfloor.
My home sits on brick piers (single story) with a dirt subfloor and forced fan subfloor ventilation installed to keep it all dry.
Note: No recent plumbing works done in the house (>12 months since anything was touched)

I have had 2 plumbers out so far and both have stated...

Booster Pump Needs Reset Daily Discussion Thread

Booster Pump Needs Reset Daily Discussion Thread


I am currently using a Grundfos Booster Pump. This pump is fed by 2pcs of 1,000 liters water tank.


Normally the pump would stop working only when there is no water in the water tank. But, recently for the past week, in the middle of the night, the pump would stop working even though the water tank is full. All I need is to reset the pump manually, but it...

Mechanical Services Estimator Discussion Thread

Mechanical Services Estimator Discussion Thread

Does anyone have a need for an estimator to price commercial mechanical & public health works on an ad hoc basis. Over 30 years experience with major national M & E contractors as well as smaller local contractors. Based near Staines but distance not really a problem if you can send me drawings and specification. I can price most jobs, anything from 20k to £5 million. No domestic works please, ie; one of houses.

Mechanical Services...

Brand new tap timer leaks around collar Discussion Thread

Brand new tap timer leaks around collar Discussion Thread

Per the pics attached, I have a brand new tap timer fitted to my outdoor tap with a brand new washer. It always leaks from the bottom of the fitting collar. I have tried four different washers (all pictured), both individually and in combination. I have tried tightening the connection, loosening the connection, applying lots of PTFE-tape, applying a little PTFE-tape, applying no-PTFE tape.. always the same leak. Any...

