Recent content by DanEwen

  1. D

    External Split Face tiling preparation

    I will be using Keraquick and latex plus as my S2 adhesive. The clients have asked for the render to finish up against the tiles?
  2. D

    External Split Face tiling preparation

    Good morning everyone, I have been out to look at an external tiling job on a self build. The walls at present are just breeze blocks. What preparation needs to be done prior to tiling the split face ? Would it be a case of just waterproofing with a membrane or would Hardie boards need...
  3. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Been Tiling for 18 years now. Only job I have ever had (apart from paper round and milk round lol)
  4. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    This is my point. I haven’t came here to find a tiler I came to talk to other tilers/contractors that employ tilers and what there process is for finding reliable workforce. And how they deal with good/bad tilers on both commercial and domestic settings. This could be my fault as it obviously...
  5. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Sorry missed this reply. What I meant about not being helpful is that all he put was find a tiler tab I don’t use this site and don’t know my way around am sure if he explained a bit more I would have understood. I had no idea he put a link about it. If so then that’s my bad and apologise. But...
  6. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Thanks Andy. I do have an apprentice he’s been on about 9 months now been going to college for past 6 months and he’s coming along well. Hard to remember what I was like as an apprentice it’s definitely the best way to do it. Just need fixers to help with the abundance of work coming in but...
  7. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Depending on the rate of pay determines how much is payed into the pension scheme. My admin sorts all that out. But everything is above board here. Fair wages for fair work
  8. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Thanks Paul that’s much more helpful and the type of reply I am looking for. I have been nothing but nice to the few that have commented with there views and helpful input. It will be taken on board. I feel at the moment that am turning more work away than am getting. Trying to get...
  9. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    So your another one that has just commented to have a go at me. How can you be bothered you not got anything better to do.
  10. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    This isn’t even an argument. I came here to ask advice. And his first comment wasn’t helpful to me. What’s your problem ? I was asking how many people he employs as to how much input he has on this matter. I couldn’t care if he employs 1 person or 10 people. I now have people having a go at me...
  11. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Who’s rude like ? Your the only one on this thread that called someone names. How many people do you employ?
  12. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Thanks again for replying. Going to be a tricky one as the commercial work is nation wide and domestic work local
  13. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    I know what he was taking about. He never asked me or gave me and information just “find a tiler” am not here to find a tiler am here to talk to other contractors that have/are in the same/similar position and can give useful information.
  14. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    Both commercial and domestic work mate. Would you give a tiler a small bathroom to try out first to see the quality of their work so if anything needs putting right it’s not to much of a headache. I understand about the commercial work and easier to keep an eye on them. Thanks for your input
  15. D

    need help/advice finding tilers workforce

    This is the kind of reply I was looking for. Thanks for taking time to reply. Looking for contractors that have experience in subbing out work and employing tilers. I have both commercial and domestic work coming in and having no one to ask these questions to hence coming here. Sounds like a few...

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