Recent content by derricktiling

  1. derricktiling

    Fail to prepare prepare to fail....

    Fail to prepare prepare to fail....
  2. derricktiling

    special diamond disk

    a good diamond disc £45 marcist 2mm thick
  3. derricktiling

    Tiling on chipboard - why not?

    topps tiles/wickes any good tile specialist store and you use flexible tile adhesive and screw it :hurray:
  4. derricktiling

    Tiling on chipboard - why not?

    i thought so, thanx for confirming that for me, im still going to use the orange matting it should help abit shouldnt it .
  5. derricktiling

    Tiling on chipboard - why not?

    so what size ply would u use on top of the chipwood floor:mad2:
  6. derricktiling

    Tiling on chipboard - why not?

    wot about covering the floor with the orange mating from germany then tiling:mad2:

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