I looked at a job yesterday where a plasterer levelled a concrete floor for the customer. The customer was out for the day so did not know what the plasterer used. The 'latex' (this is what the plasterer said he used) is cracking all over the surface. It is hollow in places when I tap it. The manhole cover has just had a blob of 'latex' poured on top of it. There are 'wave' marks everywhere. My personal feeling is that either the liquid/powder mix is not correct &/or the concrete floor below has not been cleaned or primed. I have advised the customer to speak to the man that completed the work. Can I have your views on what the cause of the cracking to be. I have advised the customer that I would not tile onto this surface as I feel that in a very sort space of time the tiles/grout will start to crack too. Also, any advise on how to tile over a manhole cover so that in case of emergency it can be lifted without too much damage to the tiles. The customer wants a modular 3 tile design on the floor. Cheers Sean