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  1. stone tiler

    Anyone near Jct 8 of the M25 want a job?

    TILER WANTED JOIN OUR BUSY TEAM FULL TIME POSITION COMPETITIVE SALARY ON OFFER Private Message me for email and / or phone number. Thanks. As the title says, we are looking for a tiler to join the team. Must be capable to a very high standard on domestic projects, have all own tools etc...
  2. stone tiler

    2 bathrooms to tile in Porcelanosa XLIGHT sheets

    Evening all We have got the go ahead on a flooring project and the client has then asked us to quote on tiling 2 bathrooms in Porcelanosa XLIGHT sheets. This is the 3.5mm thick sheets and to be totally honest, it's not what we do and I wouldn't know where to start!! Job is in Reigate, Surrey...
  3. stone tiler

    Fantastic opportunity!!!

    Professional and happy tiler wanted to join our busy team. We specialise in supply and fit for domestic projects from our tile showroom in Reigate, Surrey, and work within the surrounding areas. You need to be keen, have experience with natural stone/mosaics/wetroom installs and enjoy what...
  4. stone tiler

    Swimming Pool in the wilds of Co Durham.

    When he started it he was happy to be a tiler....and he had hair!!
  5. stone tiler

    A question for the kitchen guys re. marble worktops...

    Yep I had this issue last year. In the end the insurance company got kitchen manufacturer out to remove and re-fix the massive island granite (they had fitted the £100k kitchen 2 years previous). Apparently they charged nearly £9k and had it in writing that no responsibility for...
  6. stone tiler

    Which of these tile levelling systems to purchase. Cost Vs Quality

    We've been using the Premtool ones from Sam at ProTiler Tools. They seem strong enough and not had many break when tightening or for no reason. He was offering discounts on FB for that group members so he might carry it over to forum members if asked. We are paying about 5p a clip
  7. stone tiler

    Good evening fellow tilers.........

    Errr if you remember correctly I lost you for nearly 3 hours that day as you pitched a tile against the wall of their house and took a nap under it!!!
  8. stone tiler

    Happy Birthday Stone Tiler!

    Thanks all!!! Timeless, you still didn't come down and buy me a pint buddy!! Your turn!!!!
  9. stone tiler

    Best place to buy metal trim

    If anyone would like to see some samples to check quality / colours please let me know and i will send some over. Hi Sam If you have a trim sample pack/board or something similar you could send over that'd be great.
  10. stone tiler

    Name that tune and start another.

    Hotel California - Eagles Don't be shy, Touch my bum!
  11. stone tiler

    Name that tune and start another.

    Black sabbath - Paranoid Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me
  12. stone tiler

    Name that tune and start another.

    Ernie the fastest milkman in the west - Benny Hill (TJ's fave!! shocked he didn't get that, must be busy moaning somewhere!!) She was a fast machine She kept her motor clean
  13. stone tiler

    Bosch floor laser GSL2

    Gave it a quick going over back to aggregate, primed 50/50 with Isomat flex primer (ready mixed) then two neat coats before it stabilised. Isomat AK22 and Tilemaster mat. Can I ask why the fracture mat?
  14. stone tiler

    Large insurance project to quote on

    Thanks for all the replies. Yeah to a point I agree. If I was reading this post from 1 of you lot I'd be laughing and thinking to myself "not on your life! Its screams nightmare job!! RUN AWAY!!!" But I'm vain.......and foolish...........and greedy!! I've emailed the client and insurance guy...
  15. stone tiler

    Large insurance project to quote on

    Morning chaps, We've been asked to quote on a large insurance job by the homeowner and as we don't do much work direct for insurance companies I thought I'd check with you guys to see if there is anything I should be checking/putting in my terms prior to tendering. I don't want to get caught out...
  16. stone tiler

    Phone upgrade........

    Hold on for a month or so and get the new Galaxy note 8
  17. stone tiler

    Cardinal sin - tools

    Yeah you should start one TJ. I'll start looking in my van/store now and then I'll start making a list of how much of my kit is holidaying in Newcastle! Give me a few weeks and I should be 50% there! That's if my pen and pad ain't gone as well!!!! :tearsofjoy:
  18. stone tiler

    Tiling on glass backsplash panels

    Take a hammer, hit glass panel, clear up mess, tile wall. Easy!!!;)
  19. stone tiler

    Where to get Business cards

    The vouchers don't count. They only profit CTD. Out of that 3 grand order the bloke behind the counter got £0!! Now for example my local CTD know if they give me a 3 grand fitting job there'd be a couple of hundred quid in it for them. Straight in their pocket, thanks very much. Trust me you...



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