
  1. S

    UK Floor tiling 600x600 48m2

    Hello, this is my first post here, but I have been doing some reading. I am going to be tiling the whole ground floor of our house. We already have the tiles, they are Porcelain 600x600x7mm tiles. See the picture below. This shows all the full tiles and cut tiles. I will start with the first...
  2. L

    New tile cutter gor 600x600 porcelain Rubi TX710 any good?

    I need a tile cutter gor 600x600 Italian porcelain and am close to pulling the trigger on the the Rubi TX710. It's a log of cash so I would be interested in opinions of this tools worth or suggestions of a better buy? Cheers.
  3. C

    Help with laying 600x600 porcelain floor tiles

    Looking for some urgent advice on floor tiling! We laid 600x600 tiles a month ago with already made adhesive but it’s still wet and the tiles are now cracking abs bracking... please advice what’s the best adhesive or products to last 600x600 porcelain floor tiles thanks
  4. D

    Trowel size for 600x600 floor tiles

    Morning All, I need to lay 600x600x10 ceramic floor tiles. I was wondering what the best trowel size for the job is please? Thanks for your help
  5. M

    I am looking for B&Q floor tiles. Soho Chequered Black 600x600

    I am looking for B&Q floor tiles. Soho Black Chequered 600x600. Recently stocked by B&Q and now find I am a few short. Tiles part n0. 5052931075812. They were made and supplied by Johnson Tiles. Tried them and no luck so desperate to find some and hope someone may help on this forum. Regards...
  6. R

    New Cutter For 600x600 Porcelain?

    Hi everyone, I'm about to start tiling my new build home with some 600x600 porcelain tiles its quite a big job (around 80m2) onto a hemihydrite screed which is dead level. The job consists of a kitchen, sunroom where tiles will be running through a set of double doors to link them and a front...
  7. D

    B&Q 600x600 Glacier Ash Grey polished porcelain floor tiles

    Hi has anyone out there got any of these tiles im looking after 25 of them or does anyone know where I can obtain some from I cant believe B&Q are the only sellers of these tiles or use to be
  8. D

    600x600 Quartz Black floor tiles

    Hi I have just purchased 8sqm of 600x600 starlight quartz tiles from Tile HQ and now that they have been delivered they seem very big for my kitchen floor. I now have 2 options, fitstly I can return these for a refund or exchange at my own cost or the second option is to cut them into 600x300...
  9. L

    Wanted: Windsor Beige Floor Tiles B and Q 600x600

    Hi, I am hunting for these discontinued tiles! Willing to travel to collect but am based near Middlesbrough!
  10. D

    Cuttter for 600x600 10mm smooth Porcelain Floor Tiles

    Hi, I'm looking for the best way to cut 600x600 10mm thick smooth porcelain floor tiles. Last week I ordered a Rubi TS-60 Plus thinking that this would be up to the job; however just as it arrived I was searching on this forum and it seems that a few people think that the TS-60 Plus would not...
  11. T

    600x600 tile cutter

    Hi all, Got a job laying 600x600 porcelain floor tiles, the job ain't till Thursday. But I need a cutter suitable. Doesn't matter if it's manual or electric. Let me know what you got for sale, cheers. Terry
  12. M

    B&q Windsor Beige 600x600 Floor Tiles

    Hi this is my first post...... im looking for some low batch number B&Q windsor beige 600X600 floor tiles, batch no's under B49 if poss, only looking for about 6 boxes??? cheers Geoff
  13. A

    B&Q Loft Coal Porcelain Floor Tiles 600x600

    hi, i have just had these tiles laid in my living room and kitchen and cannot get the smokey grout stains off after mopping with dettol about 6 times, if anything its getting worse, i have had a look on the website and it doesnt give any suggestions on what to do to remove this. i know there...
  14. S

    Porcelain floor tiles 600x600

    I have recently laid (10 days ago) 20sqm of 600x600 polished porcelain floor tiles from B&Q using their Cerafix powdered floor tile adhesive for concrete floors. I now realise that the adesive may not have been the most appropriate type to use for porcelain and I am worried that it will fail at...
  15. K

    600x600 floor tiles on wall??

    Can any body help!! I've got some 600 x 600 polished porcelain floor tiles and want put them on the walls in my bathroom. Can anyone tell me if this possible? and if so can you recommend a good adhesive for the job. I have been told Stone Fix White rapid Adhesive might be good. The wall's they...
  16. D

    Laying 600x600 tiles in bathroom

    Starting a bathroom next week laying 600x600 tiles on both floors and walls. For the floor ply has been layed and the floor is good and level, am planning on using solid bed 10mm towel but was wondering if its poss to use felxi tubbed addy as the floor isnt that big? Also the walls, should i be...



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