anhydrite adhesive

  1. E

    Anhydrite+Ditra+Porcelain - Mapei Primer or not / Keraquick with or without Latex Plus

    Hello Everyone! First time writing here. 😅Contemplating the horrendous prospect of installing underfloor heating in a fully inhabited house with furniture and belongings now in the garden I have read a ton of posts on this forum and you’ve been a marvellous help. So, a zillion thanks ahead of...
  2. J

    Benfer soloflex Anhydrite adhesive.

    hi guys and girls... New to the forum..... Has anyone had any experience with Benfer soloflex anhydrite adhesive..??
  3. M

    Anhydrite screed question

    Hi All I have a couple of questions regarding tiling prep for Anhydrite screeds and was hoping someone here might be able to offer some advice? A few months back i quoted for a floor tiling job for a wet underfloor heating system. The screed the builder decided to use was a gyvlon thermio+. I...
  4. B

    anhydrite floor screed

    We are our wits end ,, We had an Anhydrate Floor screed laid at 40 mm and was left for 6 weeks to dry ,, the problem we got is the tiler laid the porcelain tiles on the floor he primed it ,and use rapid set flexi adhesive, followed all the correct procedures . The plumber ,then turned on the...
  5. J

    The best primer and Adhesive for anhydrite screed

    Hi, I have a 60sqm floor to lay on Anhydrite screed, I am using 800mm x 800mm porcelain tiles and Ditra matting. What is the best primer to use, and adhesive to fix Ditra matting. And finally what is the best adhesive to bed the tile with.
  6. F

    Advice please on primer and adhesive for anhydrite screed

    I am seeking help on recommended products for use on dried and sanded anhydrite screed with low temperature UFH. I need to stick 18mm plywood to the screed for some floors and porcelain tiles for some others. I know I need to have flexible adhesive and a compatible primer and adhesive, but would...
  7. High Peak Tiling

    Anhydrite Screed (gypsum based)

    Hi guys. All the Anhydrite screeds I have done, have UFH (wet) I have always lathered the floor with Weber PR360. Then applied Ditra with cementious addy. I have never had any issues, and all the jobs are perfect now as they were when i left. I have even monitored the drying of addy on the...
  8. F

    Advice please - natural sandstone - indoors on anhydrite screed

    Hello, I am pretty new to this forum and would like some help please on laying sandstone indoors. I’ve read up everything I can find that looks relevant first so as not to waste your time :smilewinkgrin: I have a 3.2m diameter circular floor area with anhydrite screed finish and am a laying...
  9. D

    anhydrite adhesive/concrete screed

    okay a bit of a hypothetical question, we all are aware of the potential pitfalls of using a cement based adhesive on an anhydrite screed, but what about using an anhydrite adhesive on a concrete screed?, I was mulling this scenario over the other day when I was skimming a sand and cement...
  10. AD Ceramics


    Hi Guys Just had the rep from Mapei out today to spec for 60m² 800x800 tiling to a kitchen on to anhydrite screed, never tiled on to an anhydrite screed always steered clear of them, what would you use to sand the floor for the best results? he specified Mapei primer T after sanding as many...
  11. I

    Failed anhydrite floor

    I went to look at a floor that had failed a couple of days ago and of the 60 m2, not much of it seems to be left attached to the screed. The grout is cracking and most tiles sound hollow. It's going to be a mammoth task sorting it out as the skirtings and kitchen are all fitted ontop. Now before...
  12. Dave

    Anhydrite Screeds: Are You Confident When Tiling To Them?

    As the market is growing very fast for Anhydrite screeds , are you as a tiler ok tiling to them and are you confident in doing so.
  13. G

    Tilemaster Anhyfix Adhesive

    Just had a chance to try out the new adhesive from Tilemaster for Gypsum based screeds. Anhyfix is the name and sticking to Anhydrite screeds is the game......and yes it sticks well. Although I do think in the recent heat it didnt get a fair chance. It felt very sticky ! very polymer modified...
  14. J

    Priming Anhydrite Screed

    Anhydrite screed on kitchen floor with UFH. There were some hairline cracks which were bonded with Flowcrete PHS. Floor is otherwise sound and dry and has been sanded. Plan is to use porcelain tiles on Ditra mat. May also have to apply some levelling compound but only to small areas...
  15. John Benton

    Possible deal for someone

    Just got this E-mail through from my supplier. Not used this product before myself but it may be of some use pricewise for some guys on here Benfer Soloflex now in stock at STS Benfer Soloflex is a flexible, pourable tile adhesive designed specifically for use on anhydrite screeds, and can...
  16. H

    Norcross anhydrite floor adhesive

    Hi, has anybody used this adhesive if so is it any good. Got 60m2 of stone put down and also does this adhesive require the anhydrite screed to be sealed ? cheers Steve
  17. G

    Ditra on Anhydrite

    So if you were using the Ditra over Anhydrite/Gyvlon type screeds what adhesive would you be using to fix the mat down with ?
  18. B

    Anhydrite adhesive test.

    Hiya fellas. I've been on a large anhydrite floor and thought i'd do a little test whilst i was there. It is by no means scientific and was done quickly, but this does copy conditions found on site and not in a lab. The floor has underfloor heating, has been carbide bomb tested and was dry, and...
  19. T

    tile over anhydrite screeds

    Hi Looking for a bit of advice, I have been ask to tile a kitchen and shower room floor in a new build by a contractor. Just found out today it has a anhydrite screed on the down stair floor. I have looked on the net for information and it said that it has to be mechanically abraded and an...
  20. S

    Anhydrite Screed and tiling

    Hi All, I'm currently looking at putting down a anhydrite screed and then tiling on it and putting down somw timber flooring. the screed is made by Bardons and is called Highflow S; my question is what to put on top of this screed; I've been advised to use a primer and cementacous tile...

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