
  1. J

    Day 3: Ghost wires adventures world wanted book electrician

    I have a book recommendation for you. I tend to listen to books when I am driving but it is also available in physical form A truly enlightening book for people who like to understand what can be achieved if you really try at it...
  2. M

    My day 5: build a gsm monitor/alarm for a pump house

    Will leave it run for a few weeks before tidying it up. Continue reading...
  3. M

    Day 3 Thread 3 - ULEZ Cabinet accident waiting to happen

    Just seen this on a YouTube short and thought I’d screenshot it. People chucking dog muck in a damaged ULEZ cabinet. Is that a service cut out with exposed live parts? Continue reading...
  4. M

    My day 3: build a gsm monitor/alarm for a pump house

    Seems to be working ok, as in texting and calling. The mains relay's I have used are getting too hot, seems that the led resistor is of the wrong value so are dissipating too much heat. Have started to do it another way for the mains monitoring. Continue reading...
  5. J

    Day 2 (what a day)

    so today started at about 6am Trip to birmingham to collect some tools and cable that I had forgotten to load into the car last night. Grrrr. Then a full day fitting new light guards and control panel to a cnc sheet bending machine. Not quite finished but company closes at 17.30 on the dot...
  6. M

    Day 3 - So what's that bit for?

    Well, this wasn't going to be my day 3 subject but today has been a long day and time is short. At power stations electricity is generated at one voltage then stepped up for distribution. The generator output is usually around 21kV. National Grid distribute at either 275kV or 400kV. DNOs go up...
  7. C

    Day 2 trade school and proving a point

    Ok so this would be my Day 2 thread. It's still Tuesday where I am so I hope that counts. When I joined this I was in trade school, I chose the DIY role because it was what fit at that point, but it's been a while since I finished all my courses and graduated with decent grades even. I didn't...
  8. L

    Littlespark. A Thread A Day (5)- "I Failed"

    Sorry, Dan... I couldnt do it.... Ive posted 4 really good threads but ive completely missed out on the 5th.... No badge for me now, i guess.... :( Continue reading...
  9. E

    Valentines Day: Sparky Offers

    Hi Everyone, Happy Valentines Day! 💖 Take a look at our Valentines Day: Sparky Offers, that we think you’ll love! Prices are valid for this weekend only! Shop our carefully selected Valentines Day deals today for you (or your partner) to enjoy! 💖 Trade Essentials you need, no questions...
  10. E

    Shop Last Minute Offers for Fathers Day

    Continue reading...
  11. Lou

    14 day holiday Electrical Advice

    14 day holiday Discussion Thread14 day holiday Electrical Advice Hi just to annoy everyone I will be taking a 14 day break from electricians forums poisonous atmosphere for the good of my own health and others .Still a paid up member but would like everyone to think of Dan's advise about...
  12. Lou

    How Did we cope back in the Day Electrical Advice

    How Did we cope back in the Day Discussion ThreadHow Did we cope back in the Day Electrical Advice 1992 BS7671 16th Edition who remembers doing Supplementary Bonding to everything in Bathrooms.. How did we connect the 4mm in the fittings 😂 How Did we cope back in the Day for the original...
  13. T

    We are joining UltraTile for their On Tour training day in Co. Antrim on the 23rd January! Put this one in your calendar...: Tilers Community

    We are joining UltraTile for their On Tour training day in Co. Antrim on the 23rd January! Put this one in your calendar... Tilers Talk BB We are joining UltraTile for their On Tour training day in Co. Antrim on the 23rd January! Put this one in your calendar, there will be lots happening on...
  14. A

    Ultra tile and rubi trade day, click the link to register: Tilers Community

    Ultra tile and rubi trade day, click the link to register 🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧🇮🇪🇬🇧 This is completely free with no cost. The first overseas trip for training and first training date for 2025 is set on tour with UltraTile in Antrim, Northern Ireland. ‼️‼️These spaces are limited and go...
  15. E

    Record-breaking Boxing Day bounce for sellers and home-hunters - RM

    The post Record-breaking Boxing Day bounce for sellers and home-hunters appeared first on Property news. Continue reading... UK Tiling Forum | Tilers Forum | Tiler in Durham | UK Tilers Forums | Plumbers Forum - Blogs by Untold Media
  16. A

    Ultratile Large Format Tiling Day: Tilers Community

    Ultratile Large Format Tiling Day The first UltraTile on tour academy date for 2025 is here! Ireland/Northern Ireland Ultratile on tour is visiting you! The subject you also voted in favour for was covering large format tiles. Well done Lynne Instarmac on organising this one! Ronnie Black...
  17. T

    Tile Quarry Trade Day Preston 4th December 2024. 8am to 3pm: Tilers Community

    Tile Quarry Trade Day Preston 4th December 2024. 8am to 3pm Come and join us for our First Trade Day and meet the manufacturers Sigma Ultra Tile Jackoboard Genesis Enter competitions and get some great offers Tile Quarry 183-185 North Road Preston PR1 1YQ 01772 347107 WhatsApp 07816...
  18. Lou

    Hi and happy Labor Day Electrical Advice

    Hi and happy Labor Day Discussion ThreadHi and happy Labor Day Electrical Advice Hi everyone, I’m John, 38, and I’ve been installing smart home systems for the last 4 years. My electrical background led me to smart tech, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve worked on everything from simple...
  19. Lou

    W2D3 - A boring day Electrical Advice

    W2D3 - A boring day Discussion ThreadW2D3 - A boring day Electrical Advice Today has been mainly driving. Started off from home, 4+ hour drive to Kent, take 6 oil samples (about 1 hour) then 4+ hour drive home. Didn't enjoy it. Traffic was crap basically from M4/M32 junction until the Cardiff...
  20. Lou

    Day 2 of 5, and it's music again! Electrical Advice

    Day 2 of 5, and it's music again! Discussion ThreadDay 2 of 5, and it's music again! Electrical Advice Crikey, is that the time???!!! I must get some sleep soon as I have a busy day ahead, and looking forward to working alongside a forum member later. Anyway, I promised something gentler this...

