
  1. B

    Tiling on Marine Plywood Fail - how to fix

    Hello, I assumed I could tile onto marine plywood and my tiles fell off ... I'm tiling on a wall behind a wall-hung toilet using 25x50cm tiles. I scraped off as much adhesive as I could, but there is still a fair bit stuck fast to the plywood. I now know that I need to prime the ply, but can...
  2. T

    Acrylic primer didn't bond to Larsen Tile Adhesive

    I had an issue recently that I've never seen before and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I used a Larsen acrylic primer on gyspum walls as instructed on product (walls had been skimmed 8+ weeks previous and moisture tested prior to sealing and tiling). 18 months later and it...
  3. M

    Anhyfix fail on schluter ditra matt?

    Hi everyone, I'm tiling a 150 meter square meters onto a anhydrite screed. Laitance has been removed by sanding, the screed is dry, was laid 3 months ago. The screeder recommended to use Anhyfix by Tilemaster adhesives. I am also installing Ditra matt before tiling. Started laying the ditra...
  4. L

    Glass mosaic fail!

    Hi, I'm looking for a bit of advice to help me salvage a DIY glass mosaic tile installation. I've done a bit of standard format wall and floor tiling in the past and always achieved a fairly decent enough finish to be satisfied with it so I have braved a glass mosaic in our new kitchen...
  5. Chris Gibbs

    Anhyfix fail on ditra matting

    I've done quite a bit of research on this gypsum based screed. The results are quite alarming from a lot of experienced tillers. today I fitted (or started to)200m sq of ditra using TM anhyfix adhesive. it goes down ok but then when you push the mat into the ditra all seems good.... until you...
  6. Wishiwasatoptiler

    Floor Fail.

    Been tiling other parts of this house and started ripping this floor up. Had been laid by a tiler for the current owner. Not sure how long ago. Some tiles had come loose and a crack had formed in another. What a suprised I got when I took the tiles up. The pic is a round table top, bits of...
  7. smokie899

    Best NON floor fail ever

    Mate (plumber) went to strip this floor for me. Said the floor was solid and not a crack/grout split anywhere. So he was very surprised to see how they were down, or should I say he wanted to know how easy they would come up. Yup that is 6mm mdf they were laid on and it held up for 5 years. I'm...
  8. Kyle Knowles

    We all make the occasional mistake

    I'm currently doin a bathroom in travertine and tried to lay the ditra today using tilemaster lightweight standard set which ive just started using this job and .......... it just wouldn't stick to the fleece backing at all I had to use some weber spf which stuck like the proverbial poo to a blanket
  9. B

    Floor fail...but why? - BCT "floor" tiles that are rubbish

    A few weeks ago I posted a thread on the main forum about British ceramic tiles cracking on all Hardiebacker joins. As it stands this hasn't been sorted yet as the rep was hard to get hold of and eventually said i need to go back to supplier. I know they are going to say its my fault and I...
  10. W

    Floor Fail

    I was asked to look at a floor which has failed twice, first time it had been down 8 months the tiles had become loose, builder came in and removed and relayed with the same tiler who fixed them first time. It's now been down since march and becoming loose again, had a look and managed to pull a...
  11. S

    Sisters Flat

    Landlords trying to hold my sister at fault for kitchen floor tiles cracking all over.. Something missing??? :thumbsup:
  12. B

    Help! SLC fail - Self levelling compound failed Pro 50

    Hi All I have an issue which I would like to hear your thoughts on. I have had a floor fail on me, and need to get to the bottom of what has happened. The floor is timber, screwed to joists and checked for deflection. Then overlaid with 10mm backer board, screwed to floor. No primer. UFH...
  13. M

    Best way to advise customer of a floor that WILL FAIL??

    I have recently been asked to tile a chipboard floor thats on a ground floor it is far too flexible to tile and i cant see how it can be strengthened. a cubicle has allready been installed directly onto this...This is a floor that is just not suitable to tile but i want to tell the custoimer in...
  14. F

    Not going to fail is it...

    Started with a new firm last October, been on this job for 6 weeks now, walls weren't a problem, terrace another story. For starters they covered it in tarpauline and put diesel heaters in, but heat rises, toasty to work in but floor freezing, just carry on they said. Then found dip in floor...
  15. macten


    Called out to replace a couple of tiles that were cracked (not quite through to the glaze) on a kitchen floor. They had 4 spare tiles so took the job on. Non modified adhesive built up to 45mm in places on to unprepped asphalt. Did the job and left them my card as I am quite sure they'll be...
  16. S

    Funny epic fail!
  17. G

    Words fail me !!!

    BBC News - Soldier 'denied payout' after carrying Carling Cup
  18. B

    Will it fail? :)

    Just completed a floor to ceiling bathroom for a customer. Looks very good, and everyone is pleased :) The floor was already tiled when I arrived yesterday, and looked pretty shonky but its not for me to comment. Customer said to me half way through today "the plumber did my floor, Im not 100%...



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