
  1. GrumpyGrampa

    Fugi Kit for Silicon and tiles.

    I have tiled down a wall to a kitchen worktop and want to Silicon the join where the cut tile meets the worktop surface. I laid a bead of Silicon and used a Fugi Kit with the "bridge" but still get indentations at the grout join between tiles. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. B

    Cramer fugi kit for Silicon work

    I purchased this kit lately as to stop me using finger and have used it a couple of times, first time I used a fine mist spray bottle with soapy water, second time I used kit dry and just used builders wipes to clean tool often. Must say I think Silicon took a very good hold onto both sides of...
  3. J

    Fugi 5 Piece Instructions

    My Fugi kit arrived which created a few questions. One of the tools has a little 'pip' -when would this be used? Similar with the 3 semi-circular cut outs on two of the other blue tools?
  4. J

    Silicon joints and Cramer

    After a member posting about the Fugi 5 Piece kit I thought I would see what they were all about (More easy Silicon joints | Cramer FUGI Professional - https://www.cramer.gmbh/en/Silicon-joints/fugi-professional), and subsequently buy the kit. I have always use the angle nozzle + wet finger...
  5. F

    How long do your Fugi tools last?

    How long do your fugi tools last? After 6 months it feels like the main ones aren't as good as they were, leaving some residue. Can you just buy the blue square one on its own ?
  6. F

    Profiling tool

    Well, I've been on with the fugi for a few months now since everyone was raving about it on here, and at first I wasn't sure but I am improving with it, my verdict is, it's good for producing a bead of various different thicknesses, but I find the soapy finger is still needed to give it the...
  7. F


    I've purchased a fugi kit to try out after reading about them on here, I've always been a finger and washing up liquid man and I make a good job, but, with a job coming up that requires black Silicon and white tiles, I thought it might be worth a try with this kit. Question is, how do you...
  8. Archie69

    Applying Mastic.. Best Way Possible

    Goooood mawnnning!!! (Weather lady on bbc) Well the million dollar question, what's the best way to apply mastic to shower and bath areas?? And. ( not) make it look like a sows ear! Have heard and tried loads of different ideas, one which said spray pledge furniture polish on mastic to get a...
  9. kilty55

    mapei fugi fresca coverage

    hi all,i have a kitchen floor which is cream porcelain with mapei beige grout to re grout they have a dog so the grout is badly discoloured in the centre of the kitchen in high traffic areas and has kept its colour in the edges making itlook bad customer doesnt want a dark grout put it so i...
  10. W

    Fugi Silicon Kit

    H9i there has anyone ever used one of these kits? If so would you recommend them as it reckons you don't have to use ssoapy solution to acheive high finish? Doesn't sound right to me and it looks more like caulk or something he is using in the demonstration video. Could be completely wrong like!



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