
  1. macten

    Rubi Tiling Gloves

    Sick of being kept awake with the pain of split fingers and thumbs so tried out a pair of rubi gloves. Wish I'd tried them years ago. Non-slip and can still do fiddly work wearing them. My hands are finally healing after 3 years. Tried gloves before - latex and nitrile too slippy and fragile...
  2. J

    Rubber gloves

    After the review about tiling hands I decided to give gloves a go to tile with [always did use for grouting]. Takes a little getting used to but the benefits far out way split finger tips etc which we all have had. I Just wanted to see what you guys find best [not the pink with furry trim!!]. I...
  3. R

    Latex Gloves

    Normally i use latex gloves for grouting and washing off but they tear easily, today my hands were freezing in and out of water what do you guys do in the winter to stop hands getting frozen
  4. R

    latex gloves

    Anybody know of a good source to get decent latex gloves at a low price? :smilewinkgrin: i normally get myn from pharmacy.
  5. S

    Do you wear gloves whilst working?

    Now you’re gonna think I’m a right sap! Do you guys wear gloves whilst working? My hands get knackered by grout, but the worst thing is standard Portland Cement (you probably don’t deal with this as much as I do, but even carrying a load of dusty bags will dry my hands out something rotten). I...
  6. H

    What gloves to use for tiling?

    Ahoj everyone. I would like to ask you all What kind of gloves do you use for tilling and for grouting? I found it very uncofortable to work without gloves as my hands get too dirty or too wet or too dry or they get cut and so on. It feels best to work without gloves but my hands just...
  7. D

    gloves in a bottle

    Never used it myself but have seen good reports about it on here. My hands started rotting again today so I looked it up on internet to give it a go, found it on well known internet auction site fleabay for £5 plus £2.20 postage for 240ml bottle. worth a look I reckon.
  8. A


    Hi Just wondering what is your prefered choice of gloves? Cheers Andy My hands have taken enough:mad2:

