
  1. S

    Level 3 Design Project - How to calculate Zs?

    So I’m doing my level 3 design project at the moment, and I’m on the question where you do all the calculations on each circuit, I’ve taken the max earth impedance from the regs, but it’s asking me for the earth fault loop impedance of the circuit. I think it’s asking me to calculate it, and I...
  2. S

    4A fuse - how common are they ?

    Was looking at the manual for a Keston boiler and it specifies that the supply must be via a 4A fuse (P30). It strikes me as a rather odd instruction given it's not a standard BS1362 size and that's by far the most likely means of protection it would be connected to. Presumably if you used a 5A...
  3. D

    How to go about making Adjustments to a Speed Regulator

    Hi, I have a project I have been working on, that has me out of my depth with regard to my knowledge, as I am a very basic electronic hobbies. It comprises of a 24V D.C electric motor, 200W, 3,000 rpm, 13A. which has a pulley, a belt from this attaches to a pulley on a drive shaft, where a...
  4. J

    How to protect inrush current

    Hello How to protect in rush current by ntc in smps Continue reading...
  5. T

    How accurate are cheap CT meters

    A client of mine wishes to verify the accuracy of some meters, I was thinking something like the below could be fitted to a 13a plug and moved around more easily than a conventional meter, would you expect reasonably accurate performance from something like this? Continue reading...
  6. R

    How to connect these switches? Transformer etc

    Hey I’m finding it hard to connect these would love some guidance on how to connect wire colours Continue reading...
  7. J

    How can they justify the increase in your electricity bill !?

    Just had a email from E-on to say my yearly bill is going up £81 from £103 - £184. Now this has got me wondering how they can justify this --- Firstly it is for a spare feeder pillar in a field that uses 0 kWh per year , so the increase from 19p to 29p per kWh should not effect the end bill...
  8. M

    Interesting video - how batteries are made.

    I found this video very interesting. I now know where the 's' in batteries comes from. Continue reading...
  9. D

    How to Advertise on (or our other forums) using Google Display Advertising (Google Ads)

    I was asked how to add a 'placement' (advert) on via Google Ads. Apparently it's easy. According to this Google Help Page on it, you just need to select Display Advertising to advertise on websites, and then run a search when you get to the website domain name (so...
  10. D

    How to Quickly Access the Electricians Arms

    The Electricians Arms is a private area on that only those who have proven they are an electrician, with lots of experience (and polite manor) can gain access to. There used to be quite a long URL for the 'Arms (our pub that allows lock-ins and will cut a get...
  11. H

    How to access taps behind a P shaped shower bath

    I'm about to install a P shaped shower bath into a small bathroom. However I've noticed that with the bath in place it's not possible to reach under the bath to the pre drilled tap holes. Because of the circular shape there's also no line of sight to these either making it very hard or...
  12. 1

    How to reinforce shower pan threshold?

    The left rear floor corner is highest (the shower pan touches/sits on the floor), sloping down diagonally to the front right corner (lowest). The front right corner shim is 5/8", the left front corner is 3/8" shimmed, with shorter shims under left middle and right rear corner. The pan perimeters...
  13. A

    How Far Down Can I grind the seat with my reseating tool?

    Seems to be some flaws in the brass of this tap (faucet?). It has fine scribbly black lines crossing from the inner of the pipe to the outside. I guess that's why it still drips a bit even after a number of reseating attempts and many new different washers. Is this something others have seen...
  14. J

    How many 3" copper fitting can you do with 1 rod of 56% silver solder

    I don't live near a city and need to figure out how many rods of 56% I need to solder 3" copper to copper and come copper to stainless steel. I thank you for your time. Continue reading...
  15. J

    Modern bottle traps - How to fit securely?

    With these sorts of bottle traps what specific fixing would you use to ensure a tight leak resistant seal? Thanks in advance! Continue reading...
  16. B

    How to make HW have priority over CH

    I have a problem with my system when both CH and HW are on. The CH seems to take priority and the HW hardly warms up. To get the HW to heat I usually need to turn down the heating on the thermostat or turn it off on the programmer. Is there a way to make the system give priority to the HW over...
  17. D

    How long will a repair last using Denzo tape

    Hi how long will Denzo tape last on a pipe repair it’s the large pipe we’re it enters the house just above ground level in ground floor toilet. Council say it will last years this was repaired 6 years ago. Thinking of buying the house but this is a major concern. As the deviation it coursed was...
  18. F

    How dangerous is air testing pipework

    I've air tested pipework for years, typically 4 bar for 30 minutes. I've never had an issue with any pipework that has passed that test, occasionally you get a small leak from the air test typically old cap ends/scratched pipe which shows up easily on the test without having to inspect anything...
  19. G

    How to clear hot water air lock?

    I recently installed new hot and cold feeds to a new downstairs cloakroom. After refilling the system the hot taps were all dribbling, spluttering and showing signs of an air lock. I attached cold mains to a hot tap and left it running for 15 minutes, while opening up each hot tap. They all...
  20. Lou

    How to connect these switches? Transformer etc Electrical Advice

    How to connect these switches? Transformer etc Discussion ThreadHow to connect these switches? Transformer etc Electrical Advice Hey I’m finding it hard to connect these would love some guidance on how to connect wire colours How to connect these switches? Transformer etc for the original...



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