
  1. Lou

    You may now upload massive images. Electrical Advice

    You may now upload massive images. Discussion ThreadYou may now upload massive images. Electrical Advice Could do with doing some testing as to what we want the limits to be. Try upload some normal photos from your phones and tablets and you on that PC do a screen shot or cam shot but...
  2. G

    I'm Looking For This Tile looking for Pilkingtons images range

    Hi folks. Anyone got any of these I bought my flat in 1997 and it had recently been done-up. I like the tiles in bathroom more and more as the years go by especially now that I've painted the walls gold as the border tiles have gold on them. iirc the navy gloss tiles (with slight marbling...
  3. Dan

    Best Way To Insert Images In A Thread

    I've been playing around with images to see what the best way to add them to a thread is. Seems adding them as an attachment and then inserting them all as a thumbnail is best for a couple of reasons. First you can browse through all images using the lightbox pop up. So the black box with...
  4. M

    Uploading images - exceeding quota?

    Tried a few times to upload some images but keep seeing the message "exceeding quota by...". Resized them down a few times but no joy..?
  5. U

    One of the best images EVER! :-))))

    The Whale And Dolphin People Project This is one of the strangest cetacean photos I've ever seen. It was taken by Lori Mazzuca in Hawaii. She said that the dolphin and humpback whale were playing gently together. The game seemed to be about how long the dolphin could stay atop the whale's...
  6. G

    picture images!

    what is your prefered choice of camera for taking pictures of you bathrooms or tiling in general i find it hard to get good photos of bathrooms perticulary dont seem to do them justice light is hard to sort in a confined space anyone got a good camera that might solve my problem cheers!:thumbsup:
  7. Dan

    Google Reads Text - Not Images - SEO Advice

    You all know I don't mind helping you guys to rank your websites high in Google, and I don't charge for any advice I can give you. And I even 'go over' people's websites for them if they don't mind me having FTP access, or control panel access if your website uses one. But I'm getting an...
  8. L

    Interesting - custom desinged images on tiles

    Worth a look, never seen anything like this before...... American Custom Tile - Installations - Bathrooms Check out the installations in the other galleries as well :thumbsup:
  9. S

    Raised Floor to Shower Cubicle Images?

    Hi I'm doing a quote for a customer to replace a tardis that lives in the corner of a master bedroom. I have suggested ply lining the floor before placing the tray and allowing a walk on area outside the tray that can be covered with tiles/rubber etc and they can then carpet up to. Better...
  10. Dan

    New Usergroup Images Gay or Not?

    I've added images for the usergroups so it's clearer to new members and visitors not registered to understand who's who. I've changed them twice now already and I don't think I'm happy with them still. I think the font is gay, the colours are too overpowering and the black text on the dark...



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