
  1. W

    Larsen Tile Adhesive and Grout - good or bad?

    I am planning to get 1000x1000 tiles in my kitchen from the following website. In the quote they have also suggested the following tile adhesive and grouting. Larsen Standard Set Flexible Plus Grey Floor & Wall Tile Adhesive S1 Grade...
  2. N

    Larsen Flexible Standard Set Tile Adhesive - to prime or not to prime?

    Hello everyone, I'm about to lay some antique 6"x6"x 0.5" ceramic tiles, all clean and dry, onto a very solid bare (untreated) timber boarded living room floor with no damp or water supply of any sort. Having read that this adhesive sometimes fails to adhere to 1:1 diluted acrylic primer, I feel...
  3. Lou

    Larsen Tile Adhesive Fails - Anybody else experienced this?

    This was mentioned in another thread, so I thought I'd ask the question to others to get a feel for it. Larsen rep "blamed everything but their products and said their report was final". Anybody has any larsen tile adhesive fails recently? Perhaps a bad batch they're not pulling?
  4. T

    Acrylic primer didn't bond to Larsen Tile Adhesive

    I had an issue recently that I've never seen before and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I used a Larsen acrylic primer on gyspum walls as instructed on product (walls had been skimmed 8+ weeks previous and moisture tested prior to sealing and tiling). 18 months later and it...
  5. Balloo

    Quick set larsen screed

    Has anyone tiled on this type of screed, larsen say you can lay tile 2 weeks after installation even with under floor heating. Would really appreciate some feedback
  6. J

    Larsen Trade Fast Set Flexible from Tile Giant?

    Whats the forums opinion on this stuff? I used it last year on a 50m2 floor 600x600 polished porc (Over screeded UFH on concrete). I found it an absolute joy to work with. Very smooth and great pot life. No problems with the job also. A quick search on here turns up unfavourable results, so...
  7. kevsalt

    Larsen Larsen Pot Life

    some really good pallet deals on offer on this gear ...but is it any good ive never used it
  8. R

    Larsen stockists

    Does anyone know of a Larsen adhesive stockist in the Swindon area?
  9. D

    Sorry! my last SLC thread! Larsen Professional SLC1550

    Hi all Im picking up some mosaics on saturday and the place selling them also stocks Larsen Professional SLC1550 SLC Has anyone used it? if its ok then I may as well pick some bags up rather than shipping in some mapei rennovation screed would be great if someone had some experience of this...
  10. R

    Larsen Adhesive info...

    Hello all, it seems a few more people are starting to ask about Larsens range on here, thought Id put up some info on the stuff. Although its not my first choice, Iv used it a fair bit and think it is good sticky. FLEXIBLE FAST SET Flexible fast set is a specially formulated, polymer...
  11. D

    any info on Larsen Tile Adhesive?

    norcross adisives is it any good, if you have used the flexable fast 3 hour set, please let me know, it's very cheap :thumbsup:
  12. D

    Adhesive for 300 x 600 x 10 Slate Tiles - Larsen used and no good

    Hi.. I am tiling around a bath floor to ceiling with large slate tiles... The supplier provided Larsen Grey Flexible Rapid Set Adhesive C2F S1 - 20Kg. This has not provided good adhesion to the plaster walls and I'd had to remove tile and ahesive and reaply.... Came home last night and one of...
  13. S

    Larsen adhesive

    larsen adhesive good or bad, been offered to me at a decent price comments appreciated
  14. P


    hi guys has anybody used larsen addy before as ive found a supplier near my job and its sounds good stuff and a good price aswell. pete
  15. F

    Anyone use Larsen addys and grouts?

    Checked on the polls, one addy and 4 grouters but the poll asks the question, what do you generally use. So if anyone has any info on it feel free.. Reason is, a local company (Teeside area) has a promo on, Palace tub £5.25, Larsen rapid £7, Larsen flexi rapid £13. 80p plastic trims and £4...



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