
  1. Dan

    Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: Records

    Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: 165 Going up still :) ---- Post in here when you see a higher figure. ---- Total members that have visited the tile forums in the last 24 hours: 174 on 9/10/07 ---- Total members that have visited the tile forums in the...
  2. Dan

    Total guests that have visited tile forums in the last 24 hours: Records

    Total guests that have visited tile forums in the last 24 hours: 1,188 (although I have seen it at 1500-odd many times, this is just a starting figure) I'll post in here each time I spot a higher amount of guests online in the last rolling 24 hours. Please feel free to do the same. ---- 1,233
  3. Dan

    100 Members in the last 24 hours.

    Today is the first day we've had 100+ members in the 'who was online in the last 24 hours' bit. Well done to all of you and thanks for your support. Let's hope that this is a regular occurrence.
  4. B

    jesus! at last

    suddenly the phone has rang! got a bathroom floor wall and shower and a shop floor and wall! no more beans, steak all the way, thanks to everyone for their advice. One minute your drnking the wine next your treading the grapes! just make sure you enjoy the wine. cheers.:)



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