levelling clips

  1. E

    Rubi Cyclone Tile Levelling Clips - Cross Base 1.5mm (x100)

    To be used as part of the Rubi Cyclone Levelling System. - 5mm spacers (RT-02002) will be required to use Cyclone system with tiles over 18mm thick, or 20mm exterior porcelain. Continue reading...
  2. E

    Genesis GLS Wedge Tile Levelling System, Tile spacers, Levelling clips

    • Consistent grout lines (1mm, 2mm or 3mm). • Improved accuracy and installation speed. Continue reading...
  3. Guyfromthenorth

    Looking for experience with QEP Lash levelling clips

    Hey everyone, I've been at a stall in my bathroom reno most of this year mainly due to work being insane but also because I'm intimidated to have made it to the "finishing" stage and the thought of F'ing it up lol. The bathroom was a full gut and complete overhaul so I just want to cross the...
  4. A

    PLM not snapped in right place stuck in grout lines HELP!

    Afternoon all Perfect Level Master first time tiling went for the best (highly rated on here). Worked wall so far just come to knock them out with a rubber mallet and we’ll some haven’t exactly broken in the right place leaving plastic bits protruding through the grout lines (see pic). Most...
  5. S

    Levelling clips how many per tile

    How many leveling clips and wedges would you recommend per tile and what sort of gap would you leave between clips if you have 1200x600 12mm think porcelain tiles?
  6. Richard2021

    using the right size levelling clips

    Hi guys , I'm new to this forum and I haven't done a lot of tiling so would like to get some advice on choosing the correct size levelling clips ( clip and wedge system ) . I'm doing an external patio on a concrete slab and want to end up with a 3mm grout line for 45cm...
  7. stone tiler

    Levelling clips | Lash Clips - Suppliers of Lash Clips & Leveling Spacers

    Afternoon chaps I've got a job coming up and the developer has spec'd the use of lash clips on the floor tiling. The tiles are 600 sq super white polished porcelain, 2mm joints and he wants the clips to be used to ensure no lips/shadows etc. Aprox 200mt area with a huge glass wall and bi-folds...
  8. A

    Is there any extra long levelling clips for 20mm porcelain

    Hi Guys, Got an outside area to be done next week in 20mm porcelain 900x600. Base is nice and flat with a good fall away to the drainage. Is there a deeper levelling clip that anyone knows of????? Thanks very much
  9. P

    Levelling clips

    I'm going to be using levelling clips for the first time later this week. Are there any do's or dont's for using them, or any other tips that would help me out. Thanks in advance for any advice...
  10. acaciaguy

    What size tiles do you levelling clips on

    For those that use levelling clips what size floor and wall tiles do you use them on
  11. acaciaguy

    Am I missing out not using levelling clips

    Currently I don’t use leveling clips. Having read about them and seen threads on here I’m considering using them. If I you get a better finish and quicker then why not? When do you guys use them? - size type of tile - wall / floor - do they mean that the surface to be tiled need not be as...
  12. T

    Levelling clips how many?

    Evening good people, I’ll soon be fixing some large porcelain tiles 600 x 1200s to an area of about 80 Sqmt. My question is how many of both clips and wedges would one order for such an area? Also im planning on using a 3mm joint throughout so is it recommended that I should buy 1mm clips for...
  13. L

    Levelling clip, which one do you you?

    What levelling clips do people here use? I’ve only ever used the RLS clips, they are strong and work well I think. I was today informed you can buy imitation ones just as strong for a fraction of the price. Does anyone know the where about of these or care to shed on light on the matter? Thanks
  14. L

    Levelling clips are a load of tosh? Really?

    I’ve had arguments with ‘tilers’ who tell me that levelling clips are a gimmick and they’re not needed. Well look what happened to some plonker who said this to me. The floor without the clips is obvious and by pure coincidence I finished one yesterday were clips were used. I got a call by a...
  15. I

    Lash Levelling Clips - any good?

    Any body used lash levelling clips - Tile Levelling great value and top quality from Tradetiler Are they any good?



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