
  1. T

    If they had an orange one. Boooo🖊️😍 Put your logo on one of the most popular pens! 🟢 Laser engraving for your logo an...: Tilers Community

    If they had an orange one. Boooo🖊️😍 Put your logo on one of the most popular pens! 🟢 Laser engraving for your logo an... Tilers Talk BB If they had an orange one. Boooo 🖊️😍 Put your logo on one of the most popular pens! 🟢 Laser engraving for your logo and text 🟢 Sleek... Read more The rest of...
  2. C

    Tiling business logo

    Just starting up on my own and wanting some advice on where is best to go to get a business logo designed for my own tiling business thanks in advice
  3. R

    Just had my logo designed

    Can't wait to get the van, shirts, hoodies and cards done! https://www.facebook.com/Yourchoicehomeimprovementservices?ref=bookmarks
  4. C

    logo design opinions please

    I have employed a graphic designer and this is where I am at currently at with my logos. These are our van colours (one tiling getting changed to plastering). Does anyone have any suggestions before it goes to the final stage where it will receive some tweeking. Suggestions regarding colours...
  5. M

    Logo design

    Does anybody know of any good company or websites for logo designs I'm thinking of splashing out on some decent business cards so would like a decent logo for them. Plus if I'm happy with it ill have it sign written on my van as well Cheers in advance
  6. Q


    Decided it was time for a business logo, so had a play around and have finally settled on this....... Thoughts?
  7. P

    Logo design

    Dabling in a bit of graphic design lately so if anybody need any logo's or any image design give us a shout and i will see what i can do, for free of course :thumbsup:
  8. judge

    New logo

    Evening everyone ,thought id show off my new logo.I laid a shed foundation for a mate (graphic designer) and got a logo and 400 business cards .....happy days...
  9. M

    Logo design...

    Has anyone ever employed the services of a graphic designer to design a logo/company branding for them? If so, how did you find the experience and did you pay a fortune? I've always done my own TBH, but want something a bit special this time:thumbsup: I've found someone who's portfolio...
  10. P

    Premier Tiling Logo

    As I no longer trade as a tiler I have on offer the logo I designed for my self when I started out. If you want it just say so 1st come 1st can have it.
  11. Dan

    Vector PDF File of ElectriciansForums Logo Please?

    Hey all. You know I'm graphically challenged. As they say. Well we're doing this pen thing for charity on the sparky forum, and the printers want a vector pdf file of the image, so we can stick it on the pens. Can anybody save a copy for me please as a vector pdf file (however you do...
  12. T

    Victorian Mosaic - Logo

    We tiled a large property 12 months ago and was asked at that time to look at the side entrance porch - I bought all the mosaic + additional materials - set it out and designed the 'Name'. Then we were away working for a couple of months and heard nothing! 'I'll keep it in stock' Today the...
  13. K

    logo co

    :thumbsup::thumbsup:click on google logo co its the best place to get your work wear from stiched and printed logo's there are prices on line send them your logo and its sored im being sent a t shirt soon soo ill let you know iv its good but ill be geting more from them soon iv spent a lot of...
  14. H

    whats the latest with the TF logo?

    Just wondering is any picked yet or has Dave stole it?:smilewinkgrin:
  15. C

    TF Logo

    I see you are changing your avatar more often than your pants at the moment Dave but is that the new TF logo in your avatar?
  16. D

    Embroidered Logo Clothing

    Can anyone recommend an online company for having some clothing embroidered with my company logo? (polo shirts, sweatshirt, fleece etc) I'm looking for the cheapest option as apposed to top quality clothing. thanks
  17. Dan

    TilersForums Logo Competition

    Okay, For some time now we've never really had a logo that's recognised as 'us'. And I want one, Dave wants one, and the mods want one. The problem is I'm graphically challenged (for want of a better description) which might be shocking to some of you but I am. Dave mentioned the JB Forum...
  18. A

    Opinions on My business name & logo

    Folks what do you make of my business name and logo ive designed?, any comments or ideas welcome. ITs on the attachment below.
  19. T

    Logo Design Websites

    Hi, does anyone know any good logo design websites. i need a logo for my van but im rubbish at designing one.
  20. Dan

    TilersForums Logo by DevonR

    Just a quick thanks to DeveonR for making us a new TilersForums logo. :D See it in action at the top of the website. :)



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