
  1. T

    New music channel coming in the New Year!

    Greatest hits radio! Or something similar coming to wireless in the New Year. I think it’s in other cities but renamed in the North East. Still like Gold to listen to at work. What’s your background entertainment?
  2. T

    Music thread - Sunday afternoon easy listening.
  3. M

    glasto sunday thread

    Anybody else watching galstonbury.. im loving it tonight and im not a massive music fan. Not sure if i want to go though lol
  4. T

    Best Xmas song

    Mud - lonely this Christmas In 1974 I was! All the best/ popular Xmas songs are '70s.
  5. H

    For Sale the cure tickets

    2 x seated tickets for the cure at Wembley on 2nd December Can't go due to a selfish baby being born;) Sold out ages ago Face value wanted Cheers, Harry
  6. F

    Apple Music

    just for my new phone today which came with 6 months free Apple Music, I must say, I'm impressed, can listen to any album on there or single, I can see it getting some use at work through the Dewalt radio! Any one else got it?
  7. D

    Music On Route..

    Listening to Charlie Puth - Marvin Gaye on the radio this morning, full blast, window down, breeze going through my hair, shades on, on route to College for a day of tiling. Ahhhhh Bisto!!
  8. Dave

    Tilerforums Tunz Thread.

    Well a tunz thread used to be a hit in the So lets start another .... Simply go to You tube , copy link , then paste to your reply , the forum software does the rest..:).. View:
  9. J

    Apple to Samsung. moving my music? Help please.

    Hello all. Just got a new Samsung Galaxy S4, after not being appealed by the same old pish from apple. glad I made the move. But. I have a bit of music in my itunes account. How do I (easily and in moron terms) get it onto my new Samsung please. Thanks.
  10. B

    Awful music!

    What's the worse music you've been subjected to at work??? Hahaha, my mates working at the NEC with some guy playing The Lighthouse family non stop!!! He's not happy. We tiled a huge site and the plasterer would play Neil Diamond and Celine Dion full blast all day, it was hell...:bigcry:
  11. K

    The problem with 'Pop' Music??

    I try really hard to like it, Honest, but it all sounds the same to me. Watch the clip to understand why. Very clever and very funny. Give me Mahler whilst tiling any day.:thumbsup:
  12. T

    That's what I call music 80 And I remember the 1st one.
  13. D

    The Chill Out Zone...

    YouTube - Shaggy - Luv Me, Luv Me ft. Samantha Cole
  14. U

    tune in for good music :-)

    In my studio listening to our local radio, and it's great, if you want to listen along go to: Yorkshire Coast Radio - Home Page If it suddenly turn naff after this, well these things happen, but it's been great so far. Enjoy, see you later, byeee :) :) :)
  15. I

    Live music

    Started a job today for a chap who is a music teacher (he teaches it from home) and he also does a bit of pub performing at the weekends. Today was his practice day so I've had no need for the radio! To be fair to him he was very good and had quite a wide selection of tunes, some Take That...
  16. N

    dentdale music and beer fest

    some of my pals are trying to get me to go camping , take all the kids with us , im not really into camping, just wondering if any one has ever been to this Dentdale Music & Beer Festival 24th - 26th June 2011 - Home page
  17. T

    TJ - Music / No1 Frontman to group

    Today I heard on the wireless that Axel Rose was voted the No 1 Frontman of any Pop Group:mad2: My Top 3. 1. Levi Stubbs - Four Tops 2. Freddie Mercury - Queen 3. Marti Pellow - Wet,Wet,Wet. :hurray:
  18. D

    Staurday night music..
  19. N

    spotify music lovers

    just wondering how many of you use spotify ive been using it for about 2 years and think its awsome if you have never heard check it out just google spotify or use the link below Spotify
  20. T

    Heritage movie, change of music.

    As I got some stick from the last choice of music:lol: I thought I would have a change. I know this will not be everyone's cup of tea, but I would appreciate your comments:thumbsup:



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