rapid set

  1. E

    UniBond 2026573 2.5 kg Rapid Set Flexible Wall and Floor Tile Grout

    This 2.5kg wall & floor tile grout is for use on heated floors, outdoor balconies and in bathrooms, power showers, wet rooms and kitchens. Simply apply and leave for 24 hours to dry. on average. Continue reading...
  2. S

    Mapeker Rapid set bed thickness

    Evening, I've got some 50mm cement faced UFH insulation to stick down and was going to use Mapeker rapid set as I've got a few bags but have noticed that the max bed depth is 5mm in some areas I need to build it up a little where the floor isn't level would only be a couple mm more, would this...
  3. T

    Caution! Rapid Set adhesive vs BIII ceramic wall tiles

    I currently have several ongoing customer issues that I am investigating where ceramic tiles are crazing within 1-2 weeks of installation. The constants in all cases are that a rapid-setting adhesive has been used and the tiles are BIII (Eb > 10%). I have sent the details and images to the...
  4. W

    Drying time for rapid set concrete please

    Hi, got a job coming up next week of tiling on a rapid set concrete floor with a pipe based under floor heating system fitted. Large format 600 x 900 x 20 natural stone tiles are being laid on top. Been told by the builder the concrete is being laid on the piping this Friday and I should be able...
  5. S

    BAL bal rapid set flexi fibre onto ply.........

    prime or not ? the bag says no and so does the fact sheet but it just seems odd to me as up untill now ive been using topps own flexi with sbr on ply
  6. Q

    Which tile adhesive did you use the most during 2017?

    Our annual poll is here. I know it's not the end of the year yet, but most of us should know by now which ones we have used the most. Which tile adhesive brand did you use the most during 2017? Vote for only one. Adhesive reps voting for their own brand will have their votes removed. Votes...
  7. Andy Allen

    Rapid setting slc

    Got a job next week where I'm tight on time. the bathroom floor is floorboards (solid) so I'm going to fix insulation boards , heat mat then slc over the heat mat but could do with tiling it the same day .....so is there a flexible slc that drys quick ?
  8. C

    Rapid Set Adhesive With Marble ?

    got a job coming up with white marble , 12mm thick . Walls and floors , ordered slowest adhesive as I usually use with marble . The customer has gone to Topps to pick up there tiles and he has told her I should no way use slow set and use rapid or it will come through and stain the tile ? Now...
  9. T

    Tops Rapid Set Flexy White

    has anyone had problems with it not sticking to the tiles? Has been sticking to the wall good enough but on a couple jobs it's been a bit patchy and not sticking to the tiles
  10. D

    Anybody Else Use Rapid Set Today?

    hell, it was hard work!, only a 6m floor on bathroom I've been working on, but it took 3 mixes with the heat setting it so quick. I would've used standard set but I need the rapid so I could shift gear back in there overnight....now topping up my liquid with a coupla' ciders ;)
  11. J

    Fasted drying rapid set

    I need to fill in some voids between screed and a ply deck shower tray. need to get adhesive dry as fast as possible so can put down otl tanking kit . iam really tight on time . is there any adhesive that is particularly fast to dry . was thinking of using warm water to help go off quicker ...
  12. P

    rapid set ... rough coat/ scratch coat

    evening all,,, i posted yesterday but didnt get much feed back,, and after thinking about the leveling compound over wood situation,, would it be ok to use a coat of flexy rapid set adhesive to level the plywood sub floor first before tiling,, bearing in mind im only talking about slight bumps...
  13. H

    Removing rapid set from tile

    Can anyone recommend an easy methods method of removing rapid set adhesive from the back of a porcelain tile? Can I soak it or does it have to be sanded or ground off?
  14. gamma38

    rapid set

    Is anyone using rapid set at the moment, i was in my supplier earlier and they have just had 30mtrs of porcelain gone out, going in a conservatory and the guy insisted on rapid, he must be a superman. The pot life must only be about 5 mins i would have thought:yikes:
  15. 2

    Rapid set or slow set spf?

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone uses a slow set SPF when tiling walls & floors? I tend to use rapid set on everything but I find that sometimes it sets to early in the bucket that I mix up and I end up wasting a lot.
  16. U

    Why would / wouldn't you use rapid set adhesive on walls?

    Hi, When tiling large 30x60cm porcelain tiles onto primed skimmed plaster would it be better to use rapid set or normal adhesive? Obviously there is the time advantage but any downsides to rapid set? Sorry, am clueless! Thank you.
  17. D

    Super Dooper Rapid Set....

    A big part of my job is response maintenance for social housing so i often get jobs of fallen, defected or cracked tiles. I can travel up to 50 miles to refit 3 tiles behind a cooker or wash hand basin. (Hey its not my diesel or time). So often the surveyor will want it completed on one visit...
  18. B

    Ditra & Rapid Set?

    Can you lay Ditra with Flexi Rapid???? :D
  19. D

    rapid set

    Hi guys , so i go into tile shop this morning still half asleep to pick up my adhesive for the day ive got 400 x 200 wickes ceramic tiles to fit to skimmed plaster board in a bathroom, shower area has been tanked and all area's primed with sbr, so im after a rapid set for said job. The chap in...
  20. H

    slow setting rapid set

    Hello all, anyone finding the low temperatures affecting setting times this week and last? We're using a pallet of keraquick white and it's damn slow in a cold house,lol. No doubt into double figures setting time, it is setting well though when done.

