
  1. J

    3 way Connector for LED strip

    Is it possible to get a T / 3 way connector for a COB LED Strip White CCT Tunable 10 mm wide 3 pin? I wan to connect the strip to port A, Led to port B and extension electric wire to port C with another lenth of the strip at the end of this wire. maybe I'm making this too complicated? Thanks...
  2. B

    LED Strip leaking AC reading.

    I opened up a LED lamp that measured leaking AC voltage 70 Vac and sometimes after on is 78 Vac or so. The volt is stable AC and DC no reading. I have checked with LED lights ON, the leakage is not from the driver, connectors,.... I isolated all drivers, connectors,.... away from frame to...
  3. Lou

    What do you use to cut and strip tails or chunkier cables? Electrical Advice

    What do you use to cut and strip tails or chunkier cables? Discussion ThreadWhat do you use to cut and strip tails or chunkier cables? Electrical Advice Hi, hope everyone is well. I’m looking to buy some cutters to strip and chop 10mm cables and above, mainly domestic use. I was thinking of...
  4. Lou

    Client - Can you change the LED strip please? Electrical Advice

    Client - Can you change the LED strip please? Discussion ThreadClient - Can you change the LED strip please? Electrical Advice How do they get away with this? I'm only fitting this mirror cabinet, but check out the "LED strip removal" instructions! Also, the power off before maintenance or...
  5. Lou

    LED strip light load on 5amp circuit Electrical Advice

    LED strip light load on 5amp circuit Discussion ThreadLED strip light load on 5amp circuit Electrical Advice Hello, Newbie here. Tried to find the answer through searching, apologies if I've missed it. We are refurbing our house. I want to install RGBW LED lightning. 3 zones: A) Round...
  6. Lou

    Replacement ideas for fluorescent strip lights. Electrical Advice

    Replacement ideas for fluorescent strip lights. Discussion ThreadReplacement ideas for fluorescent strip lights. Electrical Advice What fittings are people using for replacing fluorescent strip lights? Looking for something with bulbs that customer can change rather than integrated? There are...
  7. D

    Advice on narrow strip round window reveal

    I'm looking to renovate the bathroom after leaving it for some time since we moved in. Currently there is a very narrow strip of tiles on the right side of the window and I'm asking for advice on how to deal with this when I retile. Please see picture. I was going to use bigger tiles (probably...
  8. W

    Extending current porcelain floor tile without door strip

    Afternoon all, I am purchasing a new build property and the builder has already laid 4500mm x 4500mm porcelain floor tiles through the entrance, hallway and kitchen. As part of the purchase we have agreed they will lay the same tiling in 3 additional ground floor rooms but they have stated they...
  9. I

    Metal strip in wall?

    Hello all. I'm currently removing some plaster from block work in my bathroom in prep to put up elements boards and new tiles and I've found a metal strip/plate embedded into the plaster. For reference the wall is outside facing and adjacent to the next door neighbours wall. The strip is near...
  10. O

    Quality of tile cutting when installing a metal edging strip

    We now have a professional tiler in attempting to tile a wall up to an external corner where he has suggested incorporating a metal edging trim. Due to the overall layout of the tiles, the tile edges next to the trim need to be cut, which the tiler has attempted to do. He's also trying to butt...
  11. O

    Tiling onto backing plaster, skim coat, or strip back and board?

    Hi all, first post here - total novice in need of advice. I’m retiling a shower room and removing the old tiles has taken the smooth plaster surface with them leaving what I assume is backing plaster. This is sound and level other than a few gouges. This wall is the opposite end to the shower so...
  12. M

    Pictures Expansion strip needed?

    Hi all, Wondered what the correct procedure is here.. this is a doorway with timber on the left and concrete on the right, plan is to overboard the lot and have ufh over the timber area only then levelling compound the whole area. i would think I'd need to create a join with the boards and...
  13. S

    What to do about narrow strip

    one of the walls i need to tile is just a bit wider than the width of the tile im using meaning id be left with a tiny strip of tile at one side. What would you guys do with this? Mounting the tiles horizontal would be and option but the mrs wants them vertical. Was thinking i could use two...
  14. K

    Dropped ceiling shadow light detail

    Hi, I would like to find a detail to give the best lighting effect for bathroom dropped ceiling shadow (led strip) lighting , any suggestions welcome? See attached. The detail in attached seems to a lot in terms of the drop or spacing of the edge of the dropped ceiling from the wall. Thanks
  15. C

    Does this edging strip look ok?

    Hello everyone. My tiler is fitting bevelled edge metro tiles in my kitchen. I’ve chosen a white gloss pvc quadrant tile trim to match. The outer corner joins don’t look very neat at the moment though and I’m a bit concerned that we should be using corner pieces for a neater finish. I did bring...
  16. S

    Is an edging strip necessary?

    Hi all, really hope someone can help me! I'm having my bathroom done soon. However, I really don't like tile edging strips, chrome, or plastic. I'd really like to know whether it is possible on my tiles to not use a trim, I think it looks more contemporary and cleaner. There is a window...
  17. C

    SLC and the need for perimeter edging strip?

    morning everyone, just a quick one. Self levelling a 42m floor today over electric under floor heating . Is a perimeter edging strip necessary? Does the SLC need expansion gap around the perimeter ? Any help please
  18. D

    Candy Decor Tiles, Reflections Pebbles Blue Strip 198x50 (6)

    Hello, We are looking for a box of Candy Decor Tiles, Reflections Pebbles Blue Strip 198x50 (6) per box. Blue pebbles on white background. If not a box, then 2 or 4 would be of use. If anyone can help we would be interested to hear from you. Thank you.
  19. R

    Retiling the bathroom - strip or leave?

    Hi, I'm renovating a house and have recently focused on the bathroom. (Photos attached/below). I've moved the stud wall so the basin isn't right in front of the door, stripped the old tiles which were only 3-4 rows up from the bath and scrapped off all the horrible green paint (which was also on...
  20. J

    Transition Strip For Large Step

    Hello I need to install a transition strip between new stone tiles and existing laminate. The height difference is likely to be quite large (more than 1cm). Do you know of any transition strips which would accommodate such a large step (preferably wooden). The length required is approximately...



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