
  1. E

    Suspended Ceiling Tiles Remover Tool Hand Made High Quality Stainless Steel UK

    High Grade Stainless Steel Die cut by press. Very Strong and high quality, Perfect for the job. Wooden handle made and fitted by hands. Continue reading...
  2. E

    Original Y4REK white Tile Remover Puller Tool for Metal Suspended Ceilings Tile

    Made from stainless steel for the best quality. Continue reading...
  3. ourliam

    Tiling over half solid concrete, half suspended wood after a DPM coat

    Following advice from a damp and timber report carried out we were advised to a apply a coat of dmp to our kitchen floor. The floor is half concrete and half suspended wooden slats (very old). We had planned to put prime followed by self levelling concrete of around 9mm on the concrete and match...
  4. J

    Replacing a Floor - Best Material for Tiling

    Hi all, first post. I’m currently doing a job on my house where we’ve moved the kitchen and knocked together three rooms. The intention is to tile the floors (suspended timber) with natural stone, we’re looking at 15mm limestone. Before going out for quotes for tilers I’m hoping to get my head...
  5. macca321

    Solution for suspended floor with chipboard Wet UFH?

    I'm a total tiling beginner having my kitchen/diner redone by builders. The dining area has a concrete subfloor, and the kitchen area has a new suspended floor. We have bought the chipboard panel based wet UFH already. The builder has planned for 20mm before the finished floor level, thinking...
  6. R


    Hi all, after some advice way in advance. We are currently extending arvoss Backnof our house, we have about 40sqm of block and beam on insulation that will be liquid screed. Then when we knock through the existing is timber suspended floor (currently floorboards).we wanted to use porcelain...
  7. J

    Tiling on suspended floor with UFH

    Hi everyone. I’ve just taken on a large refurbishment of a property. Ive taken the job on from a previous developer who fell out with the customer. The costumer wants the downstairs of the house tiled but I have concerns about the floor as it is. The floor areas are suspended timber floors, 175...
  8. G

    Preventing tiles cracking/moving on suspended floor wet ufh

    Hello, just seeking some much appreciated advice about tiling over a wet ufh system which is being installed in a 31m2 room with a suspended floor. We’ve bought an ufh system which is specifically designed for this kind of retrofit (Nu Heat lo pro max). The ufh will be encased in self-levelling...
  9. M

    Marble with underfloor heating on suspended floor

    Hello, I am looking for advice. I am intended to lay Marble stone with wet underfloor heating in my living room and hallway. I have suspended floor with 100mm joist. What could be the best possible and cost-effective way to get the right solution. I have planned to put the 50mm PIR between the...
  10. S

    Suspended timber hall and bathroom

    Hi guys, I have a suspended timber floor. Joists are renewed, building all up again from the ground up so to speak. I plan to use pir 100mm insulation between joists and a vapour control membrane below the flooring. The flooring is to be tiled but unsure as yet the size/material of tiles. I want...
  11. C

    UFH and Tiling over Suspended timber floor

    I am renovating and extending my 1930s property. for the rear extension part, I am looking to go with water underfloor heating and porcelain tiles. I would like to go with the same for the existing floor space as well. I have been proposed the following options for the retrofit: a.WundaTherm ...
  12. M

    Cracked tiles on suspended floor

    Hi Our first floor bathroom floor is constructed of floor boards over joists over which I have laid an electric heat mat and covered with ceramic tiles. The floor has settled and cracks are beginning to appear in some of the tiles. Could I put a self levelling compound over the floor and...
  13. P

    Hardiefloor, UFH and tiles on suspended floor.

    Hi Guys, I am new to this forum and I'm an "experienced DIYer" if I can say that :). We (my wife) has an idea about swapping kitchen and a living room... I got no problem with plumbing and electrics but she also want tiles and UFH in the new kitchen. The current floor is wooden and suspended...
  14. R

    Tiling on suspended timber floor

    I'm looking for some advice, I'm planning to tile the hall floor of my 1st floor flat (approx. 8m²), the existing floorboards are a bit knackered as it's an old (1870's) building. I was planning to lift and remove the existing floorboards, brace the joists with 2x8 at regular centres and at the...
  15. B

    The good old tiling on to a suspended floor debate

    Soooo, I have had an extension built which is watertight and fully roofed. I am doing the majority of the remaing work. The ground floor is a suspended floor with 8x2 joists at 400 centres. The largest span is approximately 2.5 metres with sleeper walls and internal walls breaking up the spans...
  16. D

    Suspended Timber Floor Tile Prep

    Hey guys, I normally post over in diynot for general DIY but wrt tiling over timber I need some specialist advice... I've recently replaced a very bouncy/squeaky subfloor constructed out of 4x2 (unknown grade) @ 16ish centers on a 2 course sleeper wall (sleeper at either end and mid span @...
  17. W

    Suspended timber floor. Foam Vs HB/NMP/A-Panel

    Standard suspended timber floor, regarding overboarding- do people consider the foam boards (wedi/Marmox/Jack0/Ducka etc) as good as the boards like Hardiebacker/NMP/Aquapanel etc. I’m asking this in relation to UFH and suspended timber ground floors where the insulating properties of the foam...
  18. D

    Suspended timber floor preparation.

    Hi I have a small cloakroom/bathroom 1.2m X 1.5m it's a suspended timber ground floor with the joists on sleeper walls. I want to tile in 600 X 600 11mm thick polished porcelain. What is best way to prepare the floor? I am taking the existing chipboard out. There is no underfloor heating. I...
  19. C

    Suspended Timber Solution

    Hi, I'm currently renovating a house which has suspended timber flooring of 100mm joists. I am also extending the property which will have a concrete floor. I am wanting to install wet UFH in both areas and for the concrete floor I'm comfortable with the 100mm of insulation, pipes and screed...
  20. S

    120 x 240cm Porcelain tiles over suspended floor (and UFH)

    Hi All, I urgently need some advice and not sure where to turn. We are having some major renovations in our house which includes an large open area 15m x 10m which would include the kitchen, living and dining room. The whole house (apart from the loft conversion) would be fitted with a wet UFH...

