
  1. D

    Tradetiler Top Man

    Just a quick post to give a rec to Dave at Tradetiler. I stood on my trim snips today and bust them :0( . Ordered a new pair from Dave today and within an hour he was on the phone to me and organizing to get them to me on site for tomorrow. Above and beyond , top man Dave. Cheers Diggy
  2. D

    Husqvarna Ts 230 F Video Review By Tradetiler

    Have made a video review of the Husqvana TS 230 F for you - Not very in depth for the pro user but gives the newbies an idea of what to expect Full details and pricing ans specification on our Tradetiler web site here: Husqvarna TS 230 F Wet Saw / Tile Cutter- In stock for UK next day delivery
  3. O

    Tradetiler Telephone Not Working?

    The usual telephone number for Tradetiler is not working,is anyone aware of any problems
  4. O


    @David - Tradetiler Just a quick thank you for Dave at Tradetiler Home page for their prompt service as always. For my nice new shiny Montolit DNA blades and my SWEETIES! Yay! Haha :p
  5. A


    Hi does anyone know if Tradetiler is online only or can I call in to his shop as I am passing by tomorrow and need a few tools. Thanks
  6. D

    Tradetiler Double Sided Longer Lateral Stop Gauge for Rubi TS Cutters

    Hi Guys, We've had some new double sided longer lateral stop gauges made for Rubi TS Cutters Two sizes
  7. D

    Tradetiler 'Black Friday' Offer

    Free deliveries on all orders over £50 (before VAT) to UK zone 1 between now and midnight tomorrow Friday 28th Nov
  8. I

    Tradetiler deliveries

    I do enjoy getting a delivery from tradetiler, it's like Chrismas! This one should have been £20 cheaper but, I had to buy a new floor scraper as my last one mysteriously disappeared when the plasterers finished [emoji35] Ordered and delivered to my door in under 22 hours, always impressive.
  9. O

    Tradetiler phone number constantly engaged

    Is Tradetiler just very busy or is there a problem with their phones?. I needed to get through this afternoon to place an order for delivery today!
  10. Sean Kelly

    Tradetiler on ebay - or is he??

    Polished Chrome Tile Trim | eBay Is that legal? Using Tradetiler logo to sell something that Tradetiler sell.
  11. C


    Anybody know if elite still get discount at tradetiler, used to be a sticky in here at one point. Can't ring David as they are closed today... How dare he have a day off!!!!!!!!:smilewinkgrin:
  12. O

    TradeTiler deliver too damn quick! lol

    I was on the phone to Dave at Tradetiler 4pm yesterday placing a small order of sundries..........and this morning I had forgotten to order a spring for my Rubi nippers, no problem I thought, I'll just add to my order......toooooooo late,my order had already winged it's way 200 miles north...
  13. W

    Tradetiler website

    I seem to get problems getting onto his website and I get logged out when loading from the forum, also get problems from outside the forum as just me or does anyone get issues.
  14. D

    New LOW pricing on Fein Blades (tradetiler),.

    Dave has lowered the price on some of the most popular fein blades.. worth a look.. TradeTiler.Ltd Special offers and Clearance
  15. gamma38


    Does anyone know if you get any discounts from tradetiler for being a forums arms member??
  16. G

    Tradetiler is at it again

    Yeah, more new items !! Rubi Chalk lines, Black buckets and Big tall mixing buckets Tradetiler Tiling Recent Updates and New Products
  17. G

    How do you shop at Tradetiler ?

    Are you the type to buy as and when you need an item or are you the sort that will build a shopping list up and buy when the list is more substantial ? Just curious as I am the type to have an ongoing list. When I think of something I need I will add it to the online list and save it. This...
  18. G

    tradetiler stock sigmas?

    what about dave at tradetiler also stocking sigmas as well as rubi and montys i always like a choice when buying my tiling tools and i have both just have no sigma:drool5: mainly because they seem hard to find in catalogues and online in the uk with a clear pricing policy like dave does. Im sure...
  19. G


    hey has any1 had problems trying to get in contact with tradetiler today Ive been ringing all day engaged im ringing from ireland ? :(
  20. marbleman

    to tradetiler

    trying to ring you , but line is always busy have you another number would like to place order over phone



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