
  1. Lou

    Day 5 - The new Transit :-( Electrical Advice

    Day 5 - The new Transit :-( Discussion ThreadDay 5 - The new Transit :-( Electrical Advice Well, I've had my new Transit for a few weeks now. It's only done aound 3000 miles so far but what do I think of it? Let's put it this way, if I could have my old Transit back I would. So, what's wrong...
  2. K

    Removing transit net film coating from ceramic tiles

    Hi, I wonder if anyone knows what the thin web-like coating on Harmony Nador tiles is made of, please? I have tried emailing the manufacturer but have not received a reply. The tiler wants it washed off and teh tiles completely dry again before he starts, but I am concerned that it may be...
  3. Tony_C

    Removing transit wax from tiles

    @Paul..... I recently tiled a hallway with Ledbury Slate Grey tiles from W&F and i can't for the life of me get rid of the transit wax from them, i've used the trusty glass scraper and even that doesn't get rid of it, there is still a shine on the matt finish where it was in certain lights. You...
  4. M

    Polished Porcelain - Transit wax

    I have (with a struggle) laid 600 x 600 infinity ivory polished porcelain tiles purchased from Wickes. Prior to sealing the tiles with the recommended LTP impregnating sealer, I was advised by Wickes and the manufacturer (Verona Stone Company) to remove the transit wax using LTP Grimex heavy...
  5. B

    ford transit custom engine code issue advice !

    code reader on transit custom says mass air flow sensor fault . new one fitted by me - does the engine management light need clearing before i can find out if fault has gone ? any help appreciated !( or it goes into the expensive dealer !!!).
  6. jobdone

    Ford transit owners need to view this

    Transit owners need to view this, this is what I suspect happened to me yesterday. Horse has already bolted but slam locks and anti pick door lock being fitted Thursday
  7. stone tiler

    New van time. Opinions please

    Evening all Thanks to some thieving little sod and a lack of police interest I have to replace my missing van in the very near future. I've had a transit T350 mwb for the last 6 years and it worked for me - bought it new so no real problems or costs, just day to day running costs, plenty of...
  8. T

    Greasy marks when sealing - transit wax?

    We have had 4 square meters of polished porcelain tiles laid in our bathroom. These ones from Homebase. The Website says they need sealing so I bought some LTP MPG sealer and applied it as per the instructions. When buffing, the surface turns to greasy, smeary mess - the transit wax problem? My...
  9. area tiling

    Transit Drivers

    What's the fuel economy like on yours , and what year and model is it ? Thanks
  10. A

    Installed These Today In The Van ( Transit)

    Evening, Excuse the state of the van, But I installed these LED lights in the back today, with the dark mornings & nights here now, I don't know how I've managed with out any lighting up until now!!
  11. Dave

    Ford Transit M-sport...

    Ford are paying tribute to the ford transit 50th anniversary with the Transit M-Sport... Wow!!!!!!!... Ford Transit M Sport
  12. C

    2014 Transit

    hi palls, cassies the name based in Sheffield (South). I'm selling my 2014 transit I've had for about14 months, I'm 2 no owner because it was a Demo model. SWB... Absolute mint condition except for dusty seats etc cos I do a lot of plastering, white, no rust. Need the money to extend my gym so...
  13. area tiling

    Ford transit

    I for some reason was never a ford lover, but a mate the other nite lent me his 2012 transit , must say i was well empresses with it! Not that I need new wheels but could be very tempted ! Anyone else on here drive one, and how do you find them , in terms of reliability , driving and parts ! Cheers
  14. S

    Transit Wax

    Fitting polished porcelain 600x600s, a fair bit of wax on the surface, used Wexa at 1:10 dilution then dropped it down to roughly 1:4 & the wax is still clinging to the surface. Took me about an hour to clean 2m2. I've 150m2 to fit in the next couple of weeks, has anyone any tips to speed up the...
  15. S

    Baldocer textured porcelain, transit wax residue

    I've just laid a batch of 600 x 400mm Baldocer textured porcelain tiles and there's a shadow of the transit wax on the surface. Nine patches on each and every tile. I've not come across this before as the wax is usually on the upper surface not the underside and comes off easily. This is...
  16. demi34

    My new transit custom sport

    Had the van for week and is the best van from ford.
  17. S

    New transit custom

    So has anyone bought the new Transit custom yet? I'm hoping to get my hands on one early next year
  18. judge

    Transit custom !

    Went to local Ford dealer to find out more about getting a new long wheel base transit custom on a hire purchase deal.With vat and 6.9% on top it came to £25 grand :yikes:. Think ill keep the 10 year ole Trafic going on the road a while yet,or does anyone know of any better deals out there...
  19. A

    Transit Nightmare

    Having an absolute mare with my van. Driving home and gearbox is stuck in 4th so i limped back and parked up. Did a bit of digging round google and it seems that it might not be too much of a job to fix so i go back out and try to open the bonet but the bonnet release won't work (key through the...
  20. J

    new transit custom or vauxhall vivaro sportive

    been looking at the vauxhall sportive for few weeks and sorted the best deal out , but have just gone past a ford garage today and looked at the new ford custom trend 270swb 2.2 tcdi 125ps . and very impressed. you dont get air con and it works out about £ 3600.00 more than sportive. any one...



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