
  1. B

    Porcelain Cement Joint uncoupling membrane

    I’ve never laid tile on cement before and am about to tile my enclosed patio (there are no cracks). I’m mot sure how to handle the cement joint. I was told by an area contractor that I don’t need to cover the entire patio with uncoupling membrane. He said to fill the joint with modified mortar...
  2. alex13

    tiling kitchen over two different substrates in different condition

    I'm embarking on tiling a kitchen, wall-to-wall (under washing machine etc). most of the floor is concrete/screed, but there's a 2" overlap onto both 18mm ply, and also an old hearth which is not connected to concrete slab. kitchen install is in 10 days time.. there was a failed attempt to...
  3. H

    Working out levels.. Anhydrite screed, mat, adhesive, porcelain tile

    Need some help please with calculating levels and the build up of the floor to support tiling. Not sure about the need for the uncoupling mat? Not sure about the thickness of the tile adhesive? As I have sliding glass doors to be spec'ed and installed before the screed, I need to gauge the...
  4. A

    Can i use normal set S1 adhesive to install an uncoupling membrane?

    Hi all I will be installing an uncoupling membrane on a 100sqm floor ( concrete ) Which I have now releveled But I was wondering do I have to use a rapid set or can I use normal set S1? Thanks
  5. C

    Tiling Onto Concrete. Should I use uncoupling mat.

    Hello, I have a small kitchen to tile in porcelain onto a concrete floor and would be grateful for your views on using a decouple membrane. I have lifted the old tiles and cleaned up the substrate which is in good condition. There is a small hair line crack which has been covered with self...
  6. Nicobond D-Mat 3L

    Nicobond D-Mat 3L

    Check out one of our tilers #onthejob picture of them using Nicobond D-Mat 3L, the ultimate uncoupling mat.
  7. L

    Uncoupling membrane and insulation

    I have posted on the forum before about an awful tiling job I had done several months ago. I have found another local recognised tiler who will be redoing the work. He has recommended that I do not need the uncoupling membrane. Any thoughts on this? I am not necessarily questioning his opinion...
  8. T

    BAL Uncoupling Tip Sheet 2019-01-24

    Each and every project has different requirements. Maybe height build-up is an issue, perhaps time is an issue, or the substrate is particularly troublesome. It could be that you aren’t looking for a mat and want an adhesive that has uncoupling and anti-fracture properties. Cavities or no...
  9. F

    The all singing all dancing do it all uncoupling membrane

    Or so Bal say, here's there new membrane... I think the same system has been released in America for some time under the Ardex name. BAL Flexbone – the architect’s choice for fast track floor tiling on any substrate | netMAGmedia Ltd -...
  10. C

    Backer board V Uncoupling

    Hi Firstly I have spent ages searching his topic so please don’t think I am just creating another post for the hell of it. So I have now done my 5th bathroom (diy for myself and friends) I have used backer boards for the floors. All on timber floors (floorboards and t&g moisture chipboard)...
  11. F

    Roller for uncoupling Mat

    i have a fair size floor coming up which I’ll be laying durabase throughout, looking for recommendations for a roller to get the best coverage, Ive seen the small karndean type rollers but looking at something better ?
  12. Chris Gibbs

    Anyone experienced static build up in their arm from spreading adhesive over uncoupling membrane

    Anyone experienced static build up in their arm from spreading adhesive over uncoupling membrane? Happened last week to me when it was hot laying durabase membrane... the steel spreader on the nylon matting created static. Kept me awake I suppose laying 100 meters of the stuff
  13. M

    Uncoupling Mat yes or no

    Hi everyone:) I have the following: Natural stone floor tiles to be laid on a dry anhydrite screed floor with underfloor heating in the kitchen. The tiles will be sealed. I will be using a flexible adhesive and grout having previously sealed the floor with say BAL prime APD. Question is do I...
  14. J

    Mapei WP 200 waterproofing and uncoupling membrane

    anyone tried it? Waterproof and uncoupling membrane my local CTD is selling it now. Special price for it at the moment of about £130 plus. Normal price £190 plus for a 30mt roll. http://www.mapei.com/public/COM/products/2199_mapeguard wp 200_gb.pdf
  15. S

    Wetroom floor, hardi backer already down, needs levelling, uncoupling membrane?

    Hi all, starting a wet room floor soon, have a few questions I would like some help with! The floor has already been installed by a builder and has Hardi backer boards down, running up to the tray, but will need levelling before reaching it. 1. Hardi backer is not waterproof, so how does self...
  16. F

    Roller for uncoupling

    Got a job coming up with 40m of tilemaster crack mat to fit, Anyone use a roller? I've seen this one, any good? Or stick to grout float? Extendable VINYL ROLLER Floor Wall Amtico Karnean Lino Flooring & Wallpaper Tool JS3: Amazon.co.uk: Car & Motorbike -...
  17. S

    Uncoupling membrane vs no more ply, when & where?

    Hi everyone, newbie here, have had previous tiling experience and decided to give it another go, although this time self-employed. Have recently taken a crash course to scratch up on skills and give myself a better foundation of knowledge, cannot wait to get started. I’m still a little...
  18. Q

    Schluter Ditra 1.0

    Information & data sheet on Schluter Ditra 25 decoupling membrane.
  19. Chris Gibbs

    Uncoupling membrane

    I've just had a scare that a tile had cracked on a 30m porcelain floor that i laid about a month ago... panic over, it was just something stuck to the surface (glue I think) anyway I then thought about it... would it be a nightmare removing a tile 600 x 600 from an uncoupling membrane (durabase)...
  20. I

    Isomat Isomat Tile adhesives, Grout, Liquid and w.m uncoupling membranes

    Here at Isomat we offer a wide selection of high quality tiling products at competitive prices. Attached is a selection of brochures with some of the options available to you. For a full list of products along with the data sheets in pdf format please visit our web page www.isomat.co.uk. If...



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