
  1. M


    needing 5 or 6 m for a customer
  2. O

    Ardex FS Winter white grout

    How white is the Winter White grout from Ardex? I have three bathrooms to grout with it and will need a matching Silicon which looks like it will have to be a normal white Silicon. Will there be too much of a contrast or are there off white silicones available?
  3. High Peak Tiling

    The pleasures of the countryside in winter

    Morning all, The weathers you get in rural locations is great. My only moan is.. this set of events is about 40/50days late!
  4. B

    First morning it's not felt like winter

    Out with the dogs this morning & I have to say, it's the first morning it's not felt like winter. It's starting to get light again between 6.30 & 7. Birds are chirping & it's not minus degrees. Thought I'd take a panoramic shot just before the sun popped up (That's actually a straight path I'm...
  5. Dan

    Huge Savings on Tiles and Adhesive in the Winter Sale

      Make some huge savings on tiles, accessories and adhesives in the Walls and Floors Winter Sale. It’s running until February 28th, so don’t miss out! There’s up to 60% off across the entire website, including the latest ranges. So what’s new for 2013? The contemporary Nebulae Mosaic range is...
  6. D

    Winter is officially over now

    Thank heavens , that should mean the feel -good factor will be back :thumbsup:..........
  7. U

    Just made a winter walk slide show movie..

    of the pics I took today over Scarborough North Bay, mainly to try out Windows Live Movie maker, it's a doddle, very easy software, used the windows sample music not to have to cope with the copyright issues on YouTube.. but great option for your work slide shows..
  8. P

    Going on holiday (winter)

    With tiles and under floor heating. Do you need to wind the temp down by 5 degrees each day prior to a holiday (empty house) then build it up gradually on your return, or is this only required initially after tiling?
  9. T

    Winter tyres.

    Just wondered what brand you prefer, feedback etc, i favoured the vredestein comtracs but hear the new continental vanco 2 gets a good write up.
  10. D

    winter solstice, total lunar eclipse, and now an earthquake here, what next!

    yep, just had our house shaken tonight by an earthquake too!!
  11. E

    Winter tyres..

    My Peugeot expert is really pants in the snowy weather..So today im going to go and get some winter tyres fitted to the front as they are getting down on tread. I will report back if i think they are worth it....:thumbsup:
  12. E

    Winter evenings.

    Im on a bit of a keep fit thing at the moment...cycling etc. And it is getting dark so early now so im going to my local leisure centre tonight to start kick boxing classes...How do you guys keep fit? :ninja:
  13. D

    Long cold winter

    I am SO looking forward to some warmer weather... certainly seems to have been a long cold winter hasn't it.?
  14. B

    winter olympics

    Have any of you been watching the winter olympics?
  15. B

    summer or winter

    whats your weather preference...summer or winter Dave or Dan could you please put this on a poll...thanks!:thumbsup:



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