
  1. J

    Day 3: Ghost wires adventures world wanted book electrician

    I have a book recommendation for you. I tend to listen to books when I am driving but it is also available in physical form A truly enlightening book for people who like to understand what can be achieved if you really try at it...
  2. O

    Worst board in the world

    I fitted some pretty naff stuff over the years but this one has to be the worst I've come across yet. Obviously quite a few year old now and not helped by the way it has been installed either but its so badly designed its left me baffled. The neutral bar is only one one side, buried deep under...
  3. P

    Check Out PCBWay's Latest at Embedded World 2025 and AMPER 2025!

    We are excited to announce that PCBWay's first round of exhibitions in 2025 is just around the corner. These two events will be held in Europe in March: Embedded World 2025 in Germany and AMPER 2025 in the Czech Republic. Embedded World 2025 focuses primarily on embedded systems, providing...
  4. Lou

    Check Out PCBWay's Latest at Embedded World 2025 and AMPER 2025! Electrical Advice

    Check Out PCBWay's Latest at Embedded World 2025 and AMPER 2025! Discussion ThreadCheck Out PCBWay's Latest at Embedded World 2025 and AMPER 2025! Electrical Advice We are excited to announce that PCBWay's first round of exhibitions in 2025 is just around the corner. These two events will be...
  5. Lou

    Worst board in the world Electrical Advice

    Worst board in the world Discussion ThreadWorst board in the world Electrical Advice I fitted some pretty naff stuff over the years but this one has to be the worst I've come across yet. Obviously quite a few year old now and not helped by the way it has been installed either but its so badly...
  6. S

    Stone News: World Floor Covering Association Announces 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

    World Floor Covering Association Announces 2024 Hall of Fame InducteesRay C. Anderson (posthumously), founder of Interface, Inc., and Charlie Dilks, chief product officer of CCA Global Partners, are the latest inductees into WFCA's Hall of Fame. Continue reading... Tile Blog | UK Tiling News |...
  7. S

    Stone News: The World Floor Covering Association Names 2024 Luminary Award Recipient

    The World Floor Covering Association Names 2024 Luminary Award RecipientThe World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) announced that Deb DeGraaf, co-owner of DeGraaf Interiors, has been named the recipient of the 2024 Luminary Award. She will be formally honored at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January...
  8. S

    Stone News: World Floor Covering Association Launches New Weekly Video Series

    World Floor Covering Association Launches New Weekly Video SeriesThe World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) celebrates five years of Leadership Live with the launch of Scott Humphrey's latest weekly video series, Thrive in 25. Since its inception in April 2020, Leadership Live has inspired and...
  9. S

    Stone News: World Floor Covering Association Acquires Flooring Consultants & Inspection Training Services

    World Floor Covering Association Acquires Flooring Consultants & Inspection Training ServicesThe World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) has announced its acquisition of Flooring Consultants & Inspection Training Services (FCITS), a leading certification body for flooring inspectors. This...
  10. Lou

    Hello World! Electrical Advice

    Hello World! Discussion ThreadHello World! Electrical Advice Hello from Wiltshire. I am an electronic and electrical engineer, background is more electronic design commercially with a bit of panel building work. Occassional foray into domestic investigations and always interested in keeping...
  11. Lou

    Has the world gone crazy, tool prices Electrical Advice

    Has the world gone crazy, tool prices Discussion ThreadHas the world gone crazy, tool prices Electrical Advice So, a bit of insomnia kicked in tonight after a hectic few days and I found myself scrolling and saw this sparks doing a bit of a tool price vid. He paid over £400 for a wera torque...
  12. Uheat - Jacob


    Order your Free Wall Chart here or click the button above. As a valued Trade Customer of Uheat and The Wetroom Store, we'd like to send you our WORLD CUP 2022 WALLCHART. Do you need help with an Underfloor Heating or Wetroom Project? “We're waiting to take your call - 01394 384077” We're...
  13. F

    Will the world end if I do this?

    In order to deal upfront with the probable criticisms: 1. I am over 72 2. I am female 3. I weigh less than 110 lbs 4. I am under 5 ft. short. 5. I have only 1 arm with a hand on it 6. Therefore, I can only pick up one piece of 1/4" cement backer board. I cannot pick up 1/2" as it is too heavy...
  14. Andy Allen

    Rugby World cup....

    Any Irish on the forum....:D
  15. Andy Allen

    Cricket World cup..

    Never new Cricket could be so exciting..! Well done England...
  16. T

    Guy Martin - fastest van in the World

    It’s on now! Trying for 174.00 mph!
  17. Mapei UK Marketing

    Mapei World Cup Competition Winner

    Congratulations to our #ItsAllToPlayFor World Cup competition winner Dana Nemat seen here with her prizes of a take away voucher, football top, TV, fridge & sound bar all presented by our very own Jason Brunt. Dana entered the lose sticker prize draw & won, proving even when you lose you are a...
  18. G

    Uheat World Cup wall chart

    Just received my World Cup wall chart from @Uheat - Jake. Thank you.
  19. P

    Tiling inventions that changed the world

    I used to work in a tile shop in the the 1980s and we were given an ultrasound tile cutter to review/demonstrate. Could of be given by Trimline when they used operate from an old post office sorting office in Forest Hill ?? It looked like one of those electric grout removal tools with a carbide...
  20. O

    The world in which we live.

    Can’t deny, I stole this from somewhere else, but unfortunately it does have a ring of truth about it. It's been snowing all night. So the morning goes like this; 8:00 I made a snowman. 8:10 A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman. 8:15 So, I made a snow...



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