When comparing NoMorePly 22mm to Cembloc for use on joists with 400mm centers, there are a few key factors to consider. NoMorePly is known for being a high-quality, moisture-resistant, and durable board, often preferred for applications where strength and longevity are critical. Its 22mm thickness provides excellent support for flooring in both residential and commercial projects, particularly when installed on joists with 400mm centers. On the other hand, Cembloc, which is typically a bit cheaper, is also a solid option, offering good strength and moisture resistance but generally with a slightly lower level of performance compared to NoMorePly. Cembloc may be adequate for standard use, but if you're looking for a more robust and longer-lasting solution, especially in areas that might see higher traffic or moisture, NoMorePly could be worth the additional investment. NoMorePly boards often provide a smoother finish and can be easier to work with in terms of handling and installation. If cost is a concern and the project doesn’t demand the highest level of performance, Cembloc might suffice, but for superior durability and overall quality, NoMorePly is often considered the better option.