when you say unique, do you mean different visitors Dan?
If we had 1 unique visitor, and they hit 10 pages, we'd have 10 hits and 1 unique.
A lot of websites boast "hits" but actually, with a forum, we naturally get a lot of hits (I think we had over 13 million
hits last month) as we often visit a lot of pages, and then go back and reply to them again. So our unique visitors are the key to our stats here, and 3,700 is not bad at all in a single day. That's including those that have logged in, and those that have visited and not logged in or don't have an account here.
85% of our hits don't visit any more than the page they enter on. So it's either the wrong page for them, or it was right and they collected the info and went.
Lots and lots per day add us to their bookmarks, so I expect quite a few of those to come back later perhaps, which all gets added to another days stats. So I'm expecting a record 'day' soon, which is why I really boasted about it.