Discuss 600 x 300 bathroom wall tiles in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Deffo not tubbed addy, Must be powder stuff. SPF will be fine, 16hrs before grouting though, and shower must be left 2 weeks after grouting (says BAL if you use their stuff).

Absolute max size tiles for tubbed stuff is 300x300mm in my opinion. Would still use powder stuff now though. I find it quicker and easier to work with. Tubbed stuff is quite thick and heavy to trowel.
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Deffo not tubbed addy, Must be powder stuff. SPF will be fine, 16hrs before grouting though, and shower must be left 2 weeks after grouting (says BAL if you use their stuff).

Absolute max size tiles for tubbed stuff is 300x300mm in my opinion. Would still use powder stuff now though. I find it quicker and easier to work with. Tubbed stuff is quite thick and heavy to trowel.

I agree:yes:



A tubbed adhesive would stick big ceramics. The problem is the air passing through the open joint to aid the curing process needs more time to get to the centre of a tile the bigger it is. If you remove your spacers and tile stays on the wall, the adhesive in the centre may still be wet reducing the set coverage. You well may think all addy has set, so you grout. This in effect is like placing the lid back on the tub,the addy in the middle is still wet. This is why we will recommend cement based addy for large format, even ceramic ones. Hope this helps explain it .....Gaz


Just finishing of the second of 2 bathrooms which I have tiled with 600 x 300 porcelain. Customer supplied adhesive etc. The first bathroom I used the supplied addy.....Granfix tubbed as recommended by the tile shop. What a pain to work with.....It was heavy, difficult to work with despite being stirred and I had to leave it over the weekend to dry before I could grout. I told the customer that on the second bathroom I would use bagged addy. I used BAL and found that it was very easy to work with and dried overnight. Converted now never to use tubbed addy.


Just finishing of the second of 2 bathrooms which I have tiled with 600 x 300 porcelain. Customer supplied adhesive etc. The first bathroom I used the supplied addy.....Granfix tubbed as recommended by the tile shop. What a pain to work with.....It was heavy, difficult to work with despite being stirred and I had to leave it over the weekend to dry before I could grout. I told the customer that on the second bathroom I would use bagged addy. I used BAL and found that it was very easy to work with and dried overnight. Converted now never to use tubbed addy.
You should not have used any tubbed addy for that size of porcelain, mate.
I would never use tubbed at all for porc, but Granfix do say that Multifix is suitable for porc' but only up to 300x300.
WHat shop reccomended that addy?


Proper tile shop.....I'll check which one tomorrow and have a look at the 'destructions'...cheers
I don't want to worry you, mate. but if you have used SuperGrip

you could have major problems ahead of you.
Even if you have used Multifix

Granfix will not have to honour their gaurantee.
Good luck.

bal tas 2

Hi all
sorry about the long post but this should explain why a cement based adhesive should be used for porcelain tiles.
Ready mixed ceramic wall tile adhesives require moisture to be lost from the adhesive in order to allow the polymer binder to dry and forma ‘FILM’ capable of bonding both to the substrate and the tile.
A High proportion of large format tiles, typically 30cm x 30cm or greater are typically porcelain and as such, by definition the tiles have a water absorption of 0.5% or less. Therefore this would slow down the hard formation between a ready mixed ceramic wall tile adhesives and a porcelain tile. If the background is also of a low porosity or is in fact impervious to moisture, the ability of the adhesive to “dry out” would be severely hampered, bearing in mind that the only rational escape route available to this moisture would be via the open grout joints. The larger the tile, the fewer the joints, thus reducing the amount of open areas where moisture may escape. For this reason, Building Adhesives Ltd would recommend the use of cementitious based adhesives as a general rule to ensure the adhesive is capable of drying and setting beneath the tiles.
hope this helps bal tas 2


totally agree...no tub addy on this size. Granfix supergrip no good for porcelain and multifix ok for porcelain mosaics or for tiling on ply as its self priming and flexible but only good 4 small areas at a time as evoporation is quick and you end up fixing to a dry film on the surface...blu tak wud prob stick better!!!! def powder if not you'll de in deep doo doo!:thumbsdown:


Having read all the posts relating to this issue, and all the doom and gloom merchants that have responded. I now appreciate that maybe this was not the best addy to use.......however the product was supplied to the customer by a reputable tile company, secondly the instructions on the product state that it can be used with porcelain and for large format tiles, there is no actual maximun size. That said when you go onto Granfix web site and download the fact sheet relating to this product it does state a maximum size of tile. Unfortunately I don't carry my laptop in my works van. So why not put this advice onto the Tub?
My main reason for contributing to this thread was to state that I had now switched to bagged addy for wall tiling....not realising the hornets nest that would ensue.


Having read all the posts relating to this issue, and all the doom and gloom merchants that have responded. I now appreciate that maybe this was not the best addy to use.......however the product was supplied to the customer by a reputable tile company, secondly the instructions on the product state that it can be used with porcelain and for large format tiles, there is no actual maximun size. That said when you go onto Granfix web site and download the fact sheet relating to this product it does state a maximum size of tile. Unfortunately I don't carry my laptop in my works van. So why not put this advice onto the Tub?
My main reason for contributing to this thread was to state that I had now switched to bagged addy for wall tiling....not realising the hornets nest that would ensue.

You have received nothing other than good advice on this thread, Yomper.
This thread hasn't been replied to for 14 days, so replying to this one may not get a response. Post a new thread instead.

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