A circle

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Got a customer (night club) that wants a large circle of granite laying in the middle of a room (about 40sqm). Granites are 600 x 600 and around 20mm depth. Now im quite happy laying the granite but i am imagining cutting every outer tile with a curve is going to be a nightmare. Anyone done anything similar and could offer any advice?

Having a day off atm as i laid another floor for the same customer over the weekend, pays very well so even if the circle granite is a sod of a job don't want to turn it away.

Lay out all the tiles on the floor and use a massive compas and draw a perfect circle, then cut :thumbsup:
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Lay out all the tiles on the floor and use a massive compas and draw a perfect circle, then cut :lol:

By compas, do you mean a piece of string and a nail (or a mate) holding the string at the centre of the circle, while you mark the tiles with the pen you've attached to the en of the string? Cuz that's what I'd do.
Yes, make a compas, anyway you can, string with a marker\pencil with a thin firm rod in the middle.
Really a 2 man job though unless your able to secure your line in the center.
Mark the circle on the floor usin the above methods. Tile the floor take care not to spread past the line of the circle. tile floor and over lap the last tile over the line.
Remark the circle onto the floor and cut using an angle grinder and marcrist wheel.

That method has worked for me with a smaller situation with Granite and about the same size on porcelain but a rugby ball shape.
Mark the circle on the floor usin the above methods. Tile the floor take care not to spread past the line of the circle. tile floor and over lap the last tile over the line.
Remark the circle onto the floor and cut using an angle grinder and marcrist wheel.

That method has worked for me with a smaller situation with Granite and about the same size on porcelain but a rugby ball shape.

Just a tad worried about getting nice smooth cuts on the outer, got a Norton blade on my grinder (much better performance than the marcrist), gonna be hard work me thinks 🙂
Another idea mat..is mark all the cuts up and number them in wax crayon or similar water proof marker....then get them water jet cut..........perfect edge and very neat...........
Just a tad worried about getting nice smooth cuts on the outer, got a Norton blade on my grinder (much better performance than the marcrist), gonna be hard work me thinks 🙂
with granite your cuts should be fine with a grinder sometimes easy putting masking tape and using a pencil must agree on the marcrist blade i find it poor compared to the L15plus from trimline


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