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What is the worst/funniest accident you have had in the work place?

Some1 commented on the scares on my hands from countless cuts over the years and it got me thinking about the worst one I have had. I cut the webbing between my first and middle finger a couple of years ago, that was a nasty one and I also dropped my transformer on my foot from head height just before Xmas. However my brother wins the prize for the funniest one by a long way, he was using some tile nippers to cut 10mm thick glass mosaics as is was raining and he didnt want to go outside, needless to say these mosaics were tough cookies, as the mosaic breaks the two handles slam together at some considerable speed catching in between them a very sensitive area of my bothers body :yikes:.

He screamed and doubled over in pain holding his crouch, I was behind him holding a paint scrapper covered in keraquick. As he has bent over in pain, he has reveled the worst builders bum I have ever seen. So I decide that it would be really funny to back fill his bum crack with tile adhesive... It just seemed like the right thing to do.

He text me that night simply saying " I hate you, I have just waxed my bum crack and my BITS looks like road kill"

Can anybody top that? :smilewinkgrin:


Far too many to mention and none of them funny, but I did cut my wrist once than stripping off tiles. I needed sugary on that one and lost around 4 pints of blood. When I did it, I was working in a house by myself in the middle of nowhere and just managed to drive to the hospital without passing out. I lost so much blood in my van I had to get a new seat fitted and the rest professionally cleaned.

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Andy Allen

worst one...tiling a bathroom, took a step back to look at the master piece of tiling i just done, tripped over my cutter and started to fall backwards, put my arm out to save myself and caught it on a 6'' rusty nail sticking out the wall, ended up going to A and E to get 12 stiches in my arm and a tetnus jab :thumbsdown:

funniest...the countless times i put my foot in a bucket of water or adhesive when coming down off my step ladder :lol:


What is the worst/funniest accident you have had in the work place?

Some1 commented on the scares on my hands from countless cuts over the years and it got me thinking about the worst one I have had. I cut the webbing between my first and middle finger a couple of years ago, that was a nasty one and I also dropped my transformer on my foot from head height just before Xmas. However my brother wins the prize for the funniest one by a long way, he was using some tile nippers to cut 10mm thick glass mosaics as is was raining and he didnt want to go outside, needless to say these mosaics were tough cookies, as the mosaic breaks the two handles slam together at some considerable speed catching in between them a very sensitive area of my bothers body :yikes:.

He screamed and doubled over in pain holding his crouch, I was behind him holding a paint scrapper covered in keraquick. As he has bent over in pain, he has reveled the worst builders bum I have ever seen. So I decide that it would be really funny to back fill his bum crack with tile adhesive... It just seemed like the right thing to do.

He text me that night simply saying " I hate you, I have just waxed my bum crack and my BITS looks like road kill"

Can anybody top that? :smilewinkgrin:

:lol: Brilliant, take it your the big brother then?

Put folded over cardboard in my brothers sarnies once, nearly broke his jaw in the canteen in front of everyone :lol:

Colour Republic

Lots of cuts and brusies, some nasty but nothing too serious. One close escape many years ago was when I was jumping down out of a loft hatch (no ladder) and a screw caught the gold ring on my index finger, if the ring hadn't have been so old and worn underneath I'm in no doubt it would have taken my finger clean off.

Seen far worse happen to others. A carpenter working on the same site as us stepped back and fell 15ft through a massive hole where the staircase should have been, broke his leg but the way he dissappered out of sight was pure comedy gold. :eek:pps:


I dont think anyone can top Rich's brother, I have a stupid head on sometimes, and the worst stupid head moment was when someone was cutting some wood with a circular saw, and told me to hold the wood steady at the other end.....ummm......(get your minds out the gutter) not being able to comprehend what he meant I put my hand underneath...yes you can guess what happened...I stuck my arm under only for my fingers to make contact with the blade...all I remember is someone shouting 'You stupid stupid cow', being thrown in the car rushed up the hospital, throwing up over someone on the way, passing out again, and having micro surgery on one of the fingers. That will teach me!



I was speaking to one of the instructors at Amtico at the beginning of the year who was telling me about an accident on one of his training courses last year. One of the trainees was cutting a tile with a stanley and the knife slipped. He didn't think anything of it and carried on. A few minutes later one of the other guys pointed out there was a wet dark patch around his groin and fainted when he realised it was blood. On further examination it was discovered he's sliced through his bell end :yikes: If that wasn't bad enough he had the stitches to look forward to.

Colour Republic

I was speaking to one of the instructors at Amtico at the beginning of the year who was telling me about an accident on one of his training courses last year. One of the trainees was cutting a tile with a stanley and the knife slipped. He didn't think anything of it and carried on. A few minutes later one of the other guys pointed out there was a wet dark patch around his groin and fainted when he realised it was blood. On further examination it was discovered he's sliced through his bell end :yikes: If that wasn't bad enough he had the stitches to look forward to.

Not sure what's worse, the accident or the fact you know your sorry story is to be told to others for years to come :lol:


I was speaking to one of the instructors at Amtico at the beginning of the year who was telling me about an accident on one of his training courses last year. One of the trainees was cutting a tile with a stanley and the knife slipped. He didn't think anything of it and carried on. A few minutes later one of the other guys pointed out there was a wet dark patch around his groin and fainted when he realised it was blood. On further examination it was discovered he's sliced through his bell end :yikes: If that wasn't bad enough he had the stitches to look forward to.

That is truly horrible. Keep them coming :smilewinkgrin:


good thread

i was carrying 4 60x40 braz black slates up some builders stairs, slipped and snapped a little finger (left with a bent finger now). 2 months back i leant on a piece of porcelain i'd cut with nibblers which went in deep, just a cut i thought but turns out i've done a tendon and now have limited movement on left hand index finger. I've been to see specialist who said it would be minimum 3 month lay off lol no thanks.

Then i had grinding disc shatter into my leg, hurt like hell but no damage. Not done foot in bucket though. Not bad for 5 years service. lol
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