Wow theres becoming more and more posts like this on the forum,it just proves that the market is becoming saturated I suppose.
I've been going nearly a year now and there have been a few tough times where I've just managed to pay the bills but I'm starting to do quite well now I've been about a bit.
The only way you'll get jobs from tile shops like Topps and other tile shops is:
1. Get on really well with the staff,I mean in the respect that they like you,you have the same humour as them,support the same football team,bring them bacon butties when you go in in the morning.
2.You buy alot of materials from them,go in there every other day.
3.They hear off their customers that your work is very good.
4.You bribe them,thats right you get a job that earns you £400 from one of the salesmen,you bung him £20 the next time your in.Cheaqper than advertising.
There's about 15 cards on the counter,but they only give out the same 3 when people ask for a good tiler(including mine).They only invited 3 of us out on the Christmas doo,The other tilers might be very good but I guess the staff get on better with us.Most likely for the reasons above.
Find 2 plumbers,2 plasterers and 2 builders then when customers ask if you know anyone that can do more work for them pass on there details and tell them to mention your name.Even if they just get someone phoning for a quote they'll appreciate it and send work your way.
As long as you can pay the bills hang in there,if your not earning enough to pay the bills then maybe you should start looking for another source of income to tide you bye.
Don't go down the route of borrowing money to get bye hoping things will get better because you'll end up in alot of debt.
Keep smiling