Hi to everyone, this is my first post so if is been already asked/answered please guide me to the relevant discussion/thread.
I don't know exactly how to format this so i'll jump straight in, i am 31 y/o looking to train in the electrical field, multiple reasons for that but as for everyone money and career progression is at the top ( currently working in a warehouse with virtually no career progression opportunities and just a bit over minimum wage ). I was looking online at training providers but i got lost in all the options and wording so what i am asking is; What training would you recommend for a beginner, that makes me a fully qualified electrician ? I have read on the forum that NVQ 3 and AM2 is the target to be fully qualified but i also read that to be able to do it you need to already work in the industry so how exactly can i enter in the industry if i don't have the needed qualifications ? I would prefer a "fast-track" option since i am not really able to go back to full time school ( personal circumstances ). I'll wait and appreciate your answers, thanks in advance.
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I don't know exactly how to format this so i'll jump straight in, i am 31 y/o looking to train in the electrical field, multiple reasons for that but as for everyone money and career progression is at the top ( currently working in a warehouse with virtually no career progression opportunities and just a bit over minimum wage ). I was looking online at training providers but i got lost in all the options and wording so what i am asking is; What training would you recommend for a beginner, that makes me a fully qualified electrician ? I have read on the forum that NVQ 3 and AM2 is the target to be fully qualified but i also read that to be able to do it you need to already work in the industry so how exactly can i enter in the industry if i don't have the needed qualifications ? I would prefer a "fast-track" option since i am not really able to go back to full time school ( personal circumstances ). I'll wait and appreciate your answers, thanks in advance.
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