If you Google "not happy with tradesmans work" you'll get several links, all state that the customer must make loads of attempts to get you back to rectify problems WELL BEFORE they can let you know in writing, that they will get someone else and present you with the invoice.
I'll find you an exact link later...
if you tiled up to the feet under the units the kick board cannot possibly fall short of the tiles unless they have moved something. Sounds to me like you are being taken for a mug. As Plan Tec Tiling said above and several others start the formal process with letter and invoice by recorded delivery. take it through small claims court if she doesn't pay... In situations like this I wish knee capping was also an option...
a plumber mate of mine had a problem not getting paid he went round very early to the house and turned the water off at the outside stop **** at about 7.30 his phone rang. client saying there was no water on he told her he had turned it off by his remote flow valve by his smart phone and would restore it when he was paid .he told the client he always fits these devices when he suspects the client is going to sting him 2 hrs later he got his money . client rang him to restore water so he told them to turn out side stop **** on. needless to say he was furiouse at been easily duped my mate just laughed