And the trolls back !!
just speeking the truth
am i the only one who sees it
if that was in my house i would take it off
its sticks out like jordans **** its not symmetrical its off centre
yes its a better job by far except the focal point is PISSED
ive been tiling since 1979 so as long as you and have done thousands of yds of metroes most os them on the underground tunnels in london working from midnight till 6 am and in sand and cement so if you want to count to ten do so im as board with this as you
Ok, enough!
Firstly YOU know obscene language is not tolerated, don’t you Ray.
We’re all painfully aware of your opinion on this particular project, and to be honest Ray, I don’t think anyone, including me, gives a rats arse what you think.
It’s not your job, it’s not your client, and it’s certainly not your home.
Centring every surface regardless is so far out of date it’s just not funny, and I might add, neither are you.
So if you can’t keep a civil tongue and learn to accept that things are different nowadays, I’ll do it for you, make no mistake.
The days that you remember on the forum have gone, I made sure of that, times and attitudes have moved on.
That’s funny there seems to be a theme here, it’s called moving with the times.
If you don’t want to move on from soaking tiles and humping s/c, that’s fine, just do it in private.
Don’t bring it to the forum.
No one appears to be interested.
And this goes for anyone else that wants to join a thread and disrupt it.
There are plenty of other places to go for that.
This is not one of them.