i am new to the whole tiling experience and having completed a weeks training course in Scotland im confused about where to start tiling!!
On the course i was on the guy stated that you will not always start with a full tile above your bath but since completing the course and paying alot more attention to tiles in bathrooms i have to say that the majority of ones i have looked at tend to have a full tile above the bath???? personally i think it looks alot better with a full tile at the bath at perhaps a cut at the top than a cut at the bath and a full tile at the top!!!
just a bit confused with this and would appreciate an experienced tilers views/reasons for this???
any tips appreciated...really enjoying the forum
thanks guys
i am new to the whole tiling experience and having completed a weeks training course in Scotland im confused about where to start tiling!!
On the course i was on the guy stated that you will not always start with a full tile above your bath but since completing the course and paying alot more attention to tiles in bathrooms i have to say that the majority of ones i have looked at tend to have a full tile above the bath???? personally i think it looks alot better with a full tile at the bath at perhaps a cut at the top than a cut at the bath and a full tile at the top!!!
just a bit confused with this and would appreciate an experienced tilers views/reasons for this???
any tips appreciated...really enjoying the forum
thanks guys