R Rad2474 Mar 10, 2010 #1 Been doing some decorating for my parents so my mam has treated me to a pair of alpro knee pads, just ordered them from trade tiler,usual first class service from David.Hope they are as good as they are made out to be.
Been doing some decorating for my parents so my mam has treated me to a pair of alpro knee pads, just ordered them from trade tiler,usual first class service from David.Hope they are as good as they are made out to be.
A Alan.P Mar 10, 2010 #4 They are good, but why do you need them to decorate ??? did you con ya dear old ma 😳 :lol: :lol: j/king mate
They are good, but why do you need them to decorate ??? did you con ya dear old ma 😳 :lol: :lol: j/king mate
H hillhead Mar 10, 2010 #5 mine are that good that i need new straps for them now:lol: shows how long i have em.