Alternative to decoupling matting for exterior porcelain tiles?

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Hello guys. I came upon and registered with this forum while doing some research on decoupling mats. I'm a general builder and paver of 30 yrs. Very chuffed to be here.

My current job is to build an upper and lower raised patio terrace of approx 50m2. All block work done and backfilled with hardcore, compacted 803 with a 50mm concrete cap. On top of this I will put a 50 -75mm sand cement screed to give me my falls and then let cure for 6 weeks before tiling using porcelain 600 x 450 x 10mm tiles. I would have preferred to have used 20mm porcelain slabs from the start but its the customers' preference.

Not being a tiler, I was unaware of the need for a decoupling mat and didn't price for one.! I understand the rational behind one as, as the base is made up ground and will probably settle over time.

My first question is this. Could I use chicken wire/mesh or fibres/SBR in my screed as an alternative to prevent cracking? The customer has bought the tiles and the recommended adhesive from retailer is Ultra tile proflex Spes.

My second question is regarding movement joints. Obviously will put them in where tiles abut any vertical plane and also intend to install one every 3-4 m. The customer wants a brick bond pattern so instead of cutting through the pattern for the joints could I backfill with Silicon following the brick bond pattern so the joints would be stepped?

Many thanks in advance.

Did you finish your project?
Hi Lou and Slippery

Just got the messages. I went for fibres in the screed and told the customer I would tile it in the spring to allow for any settlement. They were happy with that. After 6 months there have been no cracks in the screed so the fibres are doing their job. Am halfway through tiling it now as it happens. I primed the screed with a primer to allow for good adhesion. Used a traditional expansion joint approx every 3metres. 10mm gap in screed infilled with low module sealant and 5mm tile joint over joints in screed, filled with the same. Have used 5mm tile spacers so everything looks uniform. I'll post some pics when its finished. Next time I'll price for a decoupling mat but so far am confident that I've covered all bases. Taking a bit of time as it keeps raining in Cornwall!

Thank you for the forum Lou and good luck in your mission Slippery. Hope this helps.


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