Hello Everyone! I'm new here, but I'm not new to tiling. My very first project two years ago happened quite by accident. One of my passions is furniture refinishing. My husband had brought home a kitchen table that was made of wood and was covered in black lacquer. It was a bit battered and he suggested I may like to strip it and refinish it for our kitchen. But in stripping off the lacquer, I found that the table was made of 3 different breeds of scrap wood. And in putting a new stain on it, the sides looked great, but the tabletop itself would never blend with the other darker woods since it was oak. Just as I was trying to decide what to do with it, I received a Home Dercor magazine in the mail with a layout showing how to do mosaic tiling. Well, that was the perfect solution to my table! I ran out and bought tile and smashed them into small pieces and created a beautiful tabletop for that old discarded table! From then on, I was smitten with tiling! My next project was tiling my bathroom walls which really improved the look of the room and warmed it up! I've done many projects since then, I've done various projects - one of which I'd like to share with you here - this was a gift for someone very special in my life... broken link removed It took me about a week to finish this table. It is now a one-of-a-kind keepsake for its new owner. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and trading tips and ideas.
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