thanks a million trev, i was in bni before here i dublin, i was i the castle chapter. it was great i loved it, went every week and met loads of people in it, got two jobs out of it, but one guy in the chapter stung me, for a few hundred euro. kept saying to me i had to talk to his empoyee and all this crap.
my work was perfect, not one thing went wrong for me.
and then he became the head of the chapter.
and pulled me aside one day and said do you really want to be in this chapter, i lost it,
the reason he said this was because i was not getting much out of the chapter.
so then i decided to shame him after 4 months.
and i walked out. but i made some great friends, and we pass work sometimes.
but i might join another chapter again soon though. once i get sorted and decide wat ill do.
am going to look at business to go for sure aswell.
thanks again mate.

great advice