hi managed to find this stuff Residue Remover Extra Strong 1LTR at the local topps tiles would this be ok? looks virtually the same its extra strong or would the neautral one be ok?
If ever i get any grout or adhesive residue on porcelain tiles i use LTP grout residue remover and its superb stuff, you can either get it from tile giant or direct from the LTP website, always try it first on a inconspicous part of your floor, to see if there is any adveres reaction, and always wear gloves, and saftey specs when using this product
thanks for the suggestions! actually found another forum that suggested vinegar and water, and it worked! only cost me 90p and it has removed it no problem, appreciate your help, and just thought i would share the story. bowl of half water, half vingegar and a scowrer. cheers
It was the acetic acid that worked in the vinegar. The suggesstions from the other guys on here would have worked as well as they were strong alkaline cleaners. But the main thing is you got it sorted but I bet it stank as well:yikes:
thanks for the suggestions! actually found another forum that suggested vinegar and water, and it worked! only cost me 90p and it has removed it no problem, appreciate your help, and just thought i would share the story. bowl of half water, half vingegar and a scowrer. cheers
Yep! - they know there stuff and it is a very old trick - 1 cup of white Vinegar to a bucket of clean water will remove grout haze residue nicely but do not do it until they day after and do it only once = should equal no scrubbing if it's not to old. after all vinegar is a mild acid.
Hi there,did you remove the wax that comes on the tiles ,and if not what you will need to do is to get some fila porcelain tile cleaner and remove it ,then wipe them clean with nice clean cold water.after that apply the fila sealer,then let it dry.and polishb with a very soft cloth .should be fine.hope this helps.