Bad tiling job - Tilers Forums: Tilers Community

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Bad tiling job - Tilers Forums
Bad tiling job

Hello, we were wondering if anyone could help us please. We have had a bathroom fitted in August this year and it has been a disaster. Nothing works in it now. The pump is broken due to not fitted properly as is the heated towel rail.
W e did have a lovely gentleman look at the tiling and was going to write us a report saying how badly it was.. he changed his mind due to knowing who did the tiling!! Can anyone help us please.. we are in the Northalleron area. North Yorkshire. This is going to court.

Hello, we were wondering if anyone could help us please. We have had a bathroom fitted in August this year and it has been a disaster. Nothing works in it now. The pump is broken due to not fitted properly as is the heated towel rail.
W e did have a lovely gentleman look at the tiling and was going to write us a report saying how badly it was.. he changed his mind due to knowing who did the tiling!! Can anyone help us please.. we are in the...

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