Bal Grip - Have I been hustled?

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Hello, As I have a Topps Tiles 5mins drive from me I decided to get some adhesive in prep for tiling. After reading many posts that white star was the way to go, I asked my local Topps. I was told that they do not sell it but sell Bal GRIP, I choose to buy a 15kg tub after telling the bloke "I want to do it right first time" and he pointed at the GRIP.

Upon searching here, I found this thread

Not only have I paid £29 for it, but I have seen white star seams to cover more bases and cheaper! I have decided its going back and im off to CTD in my lunch break tomorrow. Its kinda annoyed me that I went to Topps thinking they werent a B&Q =(

i havent used bal grip for years but before white star came out it was the best shower proof ready mix on the market it had a strong amonia smell to it and it stuck like a blanket not sure if it is the same these days, topps isnt really the place to go if you are looking for a good deal
This will explain the difference between the 2....white star is a top notch dispersion used in the right application...

BAL White Star

White, highly flexible, non-slip, highly water-resistant ready-mixed organic dispersion ceramic wall tile adhesive utilising the latest raw material technology and employing the highest quality acrylic resins. Conforms to BS EN 12004 for a D2TE Adhesive.

Suitable for use in dry and wet duty locations including heavy duty commercial applications such as communal showers and commercial kitchens. Ideal for use on a variety of backgrounds including cement:sand rendering, plaster, plasterboard, paint, sheets and boards, tilebacker panels and existing ceramic tiles. Suitable for use on worktops.

BAL Grip

White, high quality, flexible, non-slip, ready-mixed organic dispersion adhesive for fixing porous bodied ceramic wall tiles and mosaics to most interior walls. Acrylic-based, water-resistant adhesive suitable for use in both dry and wet conditions.
Suitable for use on worktops, on cement:sand rendering, clay brick, medium density concrete, sheets and boards, tile backer boards, plasterboard, plaster, glazed tile & brick, painted surfaces. Conforms to BS EN 12004, Type D, Class 2T.
You can buy it from any BAL supplier kev....just that topps chose to replace white star with it, must have got a better deal with it or summit.......:grin:


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