Recently been dealing with an issue where the correct ply, fixings and intervals were used. Still failed. All joints cracked over the board joints because of expansion and shrinkage. Not too much of an issue and a quick fix with Bal Superflex and GT1. Any wood nowadays is so temperamental. Can't be trusted.
Importantly, I think some people need to read the guarantees of the adhesives they are using. A lot of them will only cover their products on the condition that the recommendations of BS5385 are followed. You may not like it, but tough. You gotta stick to it. Do anything different and your warranty is flushed away. So how can you guarantee your work if you can't even guarantee the materials you use?
Maybe nothing has gone wrong so far, but if it ever did, the liability would fall firmly at your feet. You couldn't even raise a complaint for genuinely faulty products against the manufacture if you don't use it like they tell you to (thats called a loop-hole or get-out clause. A bit mean but again..... tough. We tried that one about 3 years ago and it didn't work out to well for the fitter). And if you refuse to pay for the remedial work because you're stubbornly saying you've done it right, there is a document available to say you haven't and a court would happily bend you over and take a long run-up!
Follow it or not..... the risk is all yours.
ps.... the court won't use lube either.