I started on the WEP, £23.50 a week at 16'yrs old . This was a fortune to me..
My apprentice(say apprentice he's just out of his time) at the moment is a breath of fresh air, he's fast, accurate ,clean and hasn't had a day off in the 2 years I have worked with him, he's that good at his job he's been given 5 pay rises in 2 years, probably been the best lad I have helped train and I have had quite a few.
I remember you Mike as an apprentice with your uncle Dave, I met him a couple of weeks back, not seen him for years. Shook hands water under the bridge and all that.
But getting back to the thead, I once had an apprentice who asked me how many quarters are in a bucket?
My first wage was £3.76s I had to walk 46 miles to work, in the snow ,in bare feet, my mum told me I should get a proper job, but I wouldn't listen.
I was told by all my tilers when I was serving my time that I would never make a tiler as long as I had a hole in the proverbial place. I think they might have been right.:lol: Bye the way I was living in a shoe box at the time
Did you used to sleep on a bed of gravel as well? :lol:
Shoe box Phil , bah luxury , I had a match box. Those were the days.