Hi Lisa,
Welcome to the forum and thanks for signing up. Warrington, I think either Able Skills or UK Pro Tiling Training are going to be a mission for you unless you stop over.
@DS_96 registering and instantly posting a reply to the course thread. Wonder how they got to this that quick with their advice?!
😉 😉
Both mentioned are good courses, we've had a lot of good feedback about both. Both have been around ages.
UK Pro Tiling Training currently sponsor us, and have done for years, Able Skills used to, just so the commercial connection is out there and I'm being open and honest.
When you support a forum sponsor, you support the forum too. And keep it free-to-use for others.
Construction Skills College (college by name not a government-type-college) Ltd in Stoke on Trent is another one that is much closer to you than the other two mentioned. David Hare is the guy to speak to, ask for him, and say Dan from the forums sent you (I live in Stoke so pop in from time to time).
I'd also check your local actual colleges. If you can find a course that way, it can sometimes be cheaper. Although your course costs can be offset against your tax bill. So bear that in mind.
If I were in your shoes I'd go visit a couple of training centres, speak to the people actually on the courses while they're on their lunch etc.
Assuming you want to do this long-term, you'd either be looking to get some good skills behind you and then practice a lot. Or go via the NVQ route, but you'll still need to gain experience. Perhaps your hubby has a tiler he uses every now and again already and you can latch onto some of his jobs? - Make sure he's actually a good tiler though first by way of checking qualifications etc - else you'll just learn how to do it wrong the same as him, if that is the case of course.
And also, stick around on the forum. The lads and ladies on here are pretty damn good. Between them, they tile the country (and beyond) every day. We have some really clued up people on here and if you were to make a start on your own tiling and keep checking in on here as to what to do next, you'd get a lot of good advice with regards to tiling just that one room. But don't think that means the next one will be using the same adhesive etc. There's so much you can tile to these days it's always worth checking on here before getting a tile out and mixing adhesive etc.
Good luck.
p.s - we have
www.PlumbersForums.net too if your fella has any free time
😉 I assume not with a new baby though!