Can be useful but not for this price.

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Love the guy in the vid:lol:

The one shown is eur500 there is a better looking one for just over that but the bad boy version is as you say eor1500
looks a neat tool for intricate cuts but a bit flimsy never noticed is there a heavy duty machine ?
have you ever used it?

No sorry, looks quite good. It's the sort of tool where you need a large job needing these sorts of cuts to pay for it

looks a neat tool for intricate cuts but a bit flimsy never noticed is there a heavy duty machine ?

The one in the video shows the basic model which is suited to the arts, follow the links and you'll get to an Italian distributor which shows 3 models which are more suited to the professional
Links to these machines have been floating around teh forums for years but if i recall a while back someone posted that the machines werent as durable as one would hope.
Lovely toy though and if you could find a market for that type of work it would be great.
The revolution XT has been around a while now and is the daddy of the saw above....but more for detail work i think..

[ame=]YouTube - The 45 degree cut[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - The Bevel Cut[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Introduction to the Revolution XT[/ame]


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