GRRRR. Friend of a friend has been pestering me to tile their house. Whole downstairs floor space 40sm with 600x600 polished porcelain b&q specials
Finally cornered me in the bar lastnight and literally begged me. He got me a pint, she went on about how she does my child's hair (she's a hairdresser) and they have seen my work and know I'm good at what I do.
Now these people know I've been out of action for 3 1/2 years and I'm slowly trying to get back into it.
So said know but offered to give them any advice they need.
Still trying to break me down and me sticking to my guns I just stood up in front of all their friends and said 'you know what happened to me in that hospital and what my family went through and yet as long as you can get your job done on the cheap, that's all that matters'
and stormed off (not before finishing the free pint mind ).
He came over and apologised, and then tells me that they have had a quote for £500 for a guy and his labouer and they will do it in four days, **** me that works out at £12.50 a meter. Six doors, skirting of then on again, kick board off and trimmed, toilet and sink in loo and four rooms to be covered.
I just laughed and said be careful, very careful. But apparently the guy has been doing housing executive work so should be ok lol.
So told him not to pay any money up front and that I will call down on the first and second day to see if the work is up to standard. At that price I doubt it and if it is then I'm fecked as I couldn't compete at them prices.
He asked what I would charge so got my phone out calculated it and just showed him it.
Was funny seeing the look on his face when he saw the 000 after the first digit hehehe. Family-free as they never take the ****. Close friends-mates rates as they never take the ****,
and to the rest of the chancers... go f&@k yerselves I ain't being takin for a mug no more.
Rant over
Finally cornered me in the bar lastnight and literally begged me. He got me a pint, she went on about how she does my child's hair (she's a hairdresser) and they have seen my work and know I'm good at what I do.
Now these people know I've been out of action for 3 1/2 years and I'm slowly trying to get back into it.
So said know but offered to give them any advice they need.
Still trying to break me down and me sticking to my guns I just stood up in front of all their friends and said 'you know what happened to me in that hospital and what my family went through and yet as long as you can get your job done on the cheap, that's all that matters'
and stormed off (not before finishing the free pint mind ).
He came over and apologised, and then tells me that they have had a quote for £500 for a guy and his labouer and they will do it in four days, **** me that works out at £12.50 a meter. Six doors, skirting of then on again, kick board off and trimmed, toilet and sink in loo and four rooms to be covered.
I just laughed and said be careful, very careful. But apparently the guy has been doing housing executive work so should be ok lol.
So told him not to pay any money up front and that I will call down on the first and second day to see if the work is up to standard. At that price I doubt it and if it is then I'm fecked as I couldn't compete at them prices.
He asked what I would charge so got my phone out calculated it and just showed him it.
Was funny seeing the look on his face when he saw the 000 after the first digit hehehe. Family-free as they never take the ****. Close friends-mates rates as they never take the ****,
and to the rest of the chancers... go f&@k yerselves I ain't being takin for a mug no more.
Rant over