Discuss cheap trainee offered in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.




i'll keep this as brief as possible,and if any one is interested,and wants more info then please just ask.

- 29 years old from Norwich area
- full clean license.
- level 2 c & g. (gained through college)
- funds for small used van, and around 1k for some tools.
- gcse grade c in maths.

i am currently unemployed and through the job centre i can work 16 hrs at nmw/100. before losing benefits, this can last up to a year, so my idea is,as far as job centre are aware ill be on 16 hours but ill actually work the rest of week for free. i wont be benefiting financially, but i hope this may get me an employer who will teach me valuable skills,and ideally a job at the end,but if not no hard feelings.i would be eternally grateful for experience gained. so in summary you'll get around 40 hrs for 100, as well as some one with a serious commitment,to becoming a quality tradesman. any takers...oh and im aware c & g is next to useless:smilewinkgrin:


I echo deano's post its a shame about the shirt you are wearing,
have you tried the local trade stores, go in and speak to the staff and be as forthright with them as your were in your opening post, have a drive around any new developments, or larger private housing estates and have a look for any tilers vans, speak to them, we are a friendly bunch, and if the one you choose isn't friendly then more than likely you would not want to work with them.
I wish you all the best for you future.

Do you have any tools at the moment

Reply to cheap trainee offered in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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i recently posted that id like a trainee position,ive got full clean license,c & g (level 2) and...


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